My Gang

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My family members are my besties and the gang which always follows me.. Put together,they are fourteen people including me,in which nine are boys and five girls.

Life was good going except the part that we all studying together in the same school. We all had separate friends still we are the besties of all..As I mentioned earlier there were no one equal to my age.. In boys all are five years elder to me than Raj and Ram who are three to three and half ages elder than me. In girls all are four years elder than me except Jaya who was one year elder than me. So me and Jaya are the thick ones in the gang. All the boys and girls in the gang are brothers and sisters in relationship but never behaved so nor even realized,except me as I am the one and only sweet daughter for my parents as my parents first son was aborted before his birth due to some accident.

So now all the elder ones are in there tenth grade, and my self in sixth grade. Yes , I am a one who was thrown to school in earlier age unlike others, as they got leisure of four to five years.

Let me introduce my gang , let me start with my dear girls Ammu,Devi,Jaya,Shanthi and myself.
In my devil boys list Appu,Ramesh,Raj,Ram,Ravi,Kumar,Suresh,Varun and Vikram.

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