We are one

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Our gang went over all the places together,let it be anyone's friend party or someone's class get-to-gather, we never separated from each other except Raj.. Even in any school tour if anyone is not allowed to go we all stay back from it..Mostly it happens with me,as I am the only daughter my parents don't send me out to city or state alone even though I am with a big gang.It's my dad's decision,final one.. All these people of mine,sacrifice their trip for me even if I plead them to go.. All will stay with me except Raj,who is the first one to go. Our school take a tour like 3 step of student's, 1st grade to 3rd one set,other 4th to 8th and next 9th to 12th, so we are always together in our tours too..

So we always make a plan to roam to forget those tour days.. Like our gang alone fun with the outer world..Mostly we go for movies,dramas, dance competitions,anything related to art works.. As we are so much in love with art, family DNA. All my family elders are good in art works,dance,singing, acting, sketching. So these are our born talents..

(In this full story family means my mom's side full 8 families together)

Jaya is good at singing, Devi is good at creative, Ammu is good at managing things and finishing it with perfection(book oriented), Shanthi is good at make up and designing costumes,Appu is good at dancing,Ramesh is good at speeches in any topic he can manage and sports, Kumar is good at painting, Varun is good at poem writing, Vikram is good at acting,Ram is good at jokes and singing, Raj did all.. And myself good at dance,in singing only English number and some hard voiced songs which aptly suites me,I am a good runner,basketball, volleyball player and kabadi player,I paint my mind out with perfection and love photography,somewhat good at poems, acting it comes in my genie. Wow I got all except beauty related, I can do costume designing for others but not for me really bad when it comes to myself,I finds it very hard to manage so I don't manage it. I mastered in yoga and karate. Yoga is my only place to make myself calm none from the team join me except Raj, but we never talk to each other even a word. Karate was my devils boys choice to make me spend more time with them.All girls are free except me, sometimes others in school thing I am a boy because I always roam with a gang of boys and no one than my gang should call me in sweet words like darling, dear,baby or any melting words and mostly importantly none than my gang should put de to call me,if anyone does.. Its they day to see their teeth in their hands. Yes I break they mouth.. It had happened, I like to punch boys,it makes me feel proud at times. This is also a reason why none of the boys come near me, they are afraid of me.

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