A Place of Beauty

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Kanyakumari is a wonder place of beauty filled in it.. 

We reached the Sanguthurai beachI was empty, which made us feel happy as we can enjoy with full freedom and non stop fun..

We ran to the beach and wetted our legs, we kept our things near the shore where the waves can't reach..

I love beach.. I love to walk with the waves in the shore..  So I moved away from the gang and started walking..  I saw Raj in a distance who was sitting on the shore to watch over the waves through his cam lens..  I just watched him in silence as I headed near him..  I always like to observe people to understand them better..  I walked near him and sat with a feet distance next to him, which surprised himeven I was surprised by my act..

We didn't talk but watched over the waves in silence..  It was peaceful..  I felt so peaceful with him for the first time which made myself unbelievable..

When I was about to open my mouth to thank himI heard Ram calling for me so I just stood up and checked where is he.. He was with the gang, standing in waves playing with smiley ball.. He was calling for help as all tried to push him fully in water for every miss.. The gang was playing throw ball, so whenever someone misses the ball are punished to get fully wet.. I let out a shout for his call.., "Ram, cominggg". I turned around to look at Raj but I went blank as I was not able to find him next to me nor no where near me.. I let out a deep breathe (realising Raj's attitude).  I ran to help Ram..  We started winning and have full fun. After an hour we all sat on the shore exhausted..

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