Chapter 39: Saralee

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Extreme tension was evident in the Assembly hall. The Icehearts' typical expressions- arrogant, shrewd, and bordering on sadistic- seemed to have been temporarily replaced by looks of confusion and alarm at the announcement. 

"Your you mean to say that there was no defect in the Iceheart Surgeries of Chief Myers and our late King? Does that mean we are no longer immortal?" A younger Iceheart asked, his eyes glazed over with fear.

"We can only be killed by weapons coated in the Flameheart Serum, the production of which is extremely limited and time consuming" I assured him. "There is only one device that is capable of manufacturing it, the sole creator of that device is dead, and the blueprints were burned for security purposes. That makes this problem a simple fix: destroy the device, and just like that, we're immortal again!" 

"That is easier said than done, My Queen," Selaeyah said gravely. "Based on all of our evidence, this device is located in the White Hot Flame's base. We've been trying in vain to find it for more than a hundred years; how can we expect to find it now?" 

"We will find the Flame base," I snarled, my Aura ballooning. "We will find it if we have to tear West Arabella apart!" 

"Yeah, go Queen Saralee!" Someone yelled, and soon, the fearful mood had dissipated, giving way to an almost festive determination. 

"So charismatic," Armetorius grumbled. 

"That's just part of the beauty of being me," I smirked, casually twirling a flawless raven curl around my finger. 

"I promise that I will find and destroy the Flame base before the end of this year," I continued. "And you all know that I do not take my promises to you lightly. I believe that our failure in past attempts to cut the rebels off at the source stems not from lack of intelligence and certainly not from lack of time or resources, but from lack of drive. Finding the base has always been a long, relaxed process that has progressed quite aimlessly. If we work with purpose and direction, we can find and destroy it in no time!"

"Yes, even so, what about the lost princess? We've all heard the rumors," Melatrius questioned. "Has she truly survived and become aware of her past."

"Should we tell them?" I whispered to Selaeyah. 

"Sure," she shrugged. 

"It is true, Viviana is very much alive and is headed to the Lessaenite Empire at this moment, along with the last remnants of the human race, who are also, quite surprisingly, alive," I sighed. 

Any solace I had provided the elites with my speech instantly disappeared. Total pandemonium seemed to have broken out in the hall, as Icehearts cried out and rose from their seats in bewilderment. 

"But it's going to be alright," I said quickly, yet my words didn't weave the magic they usually did. Most were far too shocked to even pay attention. "We have trackers on them, we're watching their every move. As soon as they are within reach, we will strike."

"Actually, the Scientist Clan's reports show that sometime yesterday, an unidentified person disabled the trackers," Selaeyah added. "However, we were able to reinstate them, this time under an Aural shield, to mislead that person into thinking his or her efforts were successful." 

"Our tracking technology is highly sophisticated," I crossed my arms. "It would take great expertise to manipulate it- expertise Viviana doesn't have. There is only one person on their ship who could've feasibly done it, and that person is Thorel."

"What reason would the Empire's second in command have to go against us?" Selaeyah frowned. 

"A hundred years ago, the Council had similar trust and confidence in Eleanna Myers," I spat. "And we all know how loyal she's been. Thorel must be terminated along with Viviana and the remaining humans to ensure the safety of the Empire and secure the reign of the Icehearts!"

"No!" Tara screamed, rattling a grate directly below my foot. I stumbled backwards, surprised. I always permitted her to watch Assembly and Council meetings from below us and had even taken the trouble of building an underground passageway from her cell to a chamber beneath the Assembly hall, but, defiant as always, she usually chose not to attend. "Don't kill Thorel! Please!" 

"Oh, shut up," I growled. "You were the one who told him to help the Glitches, weren't you? You were the one who tainted his mind with rebellious thoughts, and you're the reason he's going to die." 

Tara yelled savagely, and I nimbly stepped to the side as a long knife shot out of the grate, piercing the air where I had been only moments before. 

"Assassination attempt number one hundred and four," I rolled my eyes. "Lame, just like all the others. Although, I have to commend you on obtaining that knife. What'd you do, steal it from an Ice Guard? I knew those lazy fools down in the dungeon were sleeping on duty!" 

"Yes," Tara sighed. "It was hopeless, but worth a try." She shrunk away from the grate to contemplate her failure.

"Scientist Clan!" I addressed the far left side of the assembly. The clan was always distinguishable by their clothing- even richer than the other Icehearts'- and their tendency to clump together regardless of where they were or what they were doing. "What are your reports on the Glitches?" 

"The trackers are five minutes away from self destruction," Raliyel stated. "That means the Glitches are five minutes away from Rhena." 

"Yes, yes, the trackers will destroy themselves on contact with land..." I trailed off. "Wait! No! Turn off that setting at once! I want the trackers to remain functional!" 

"The Rhenan climate is extremely hot, it could easily fry the equipment." 

"I don't care!" I barked. "Don't you understand? If we leave the trackers on, the Glitches can lead us straight to the Flame base!" 

"You're right!!" Selaeyah gasped with joy. 

"Victory is certain, my friends," I clapped my hands together exultantly. "We've only to wait." 

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