Chapter 4 : Sudden Absence

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Same evening. Blue Rose Valley. Airi's POV.

It was halfway near dawn and I'm at my wits end before I completely fall into a deep sleep. This forbidden meeting between King Jun and I had just started recently and yet I feel so frail with lack of sleep. I was close to dozing off if it weren't for King Jun who startled me as he rose his head from my lap. He yawned, staring back at me with his cold eyes. "It's been such a long time since I have had a very good nap. Thank you."

I furrow my brows looking away, "..It's not like I have any other choice but to obey you, King Jun." He stares off the brightening sky. "Morning is to arrive soon. Let us meet again at the same evening night. Farewell, Princess Airi." "I-It's Eunji now."

He whips back totally awestricken, "Eunji, you say?" I shut my mouth close, instantly regretting what I had just muttered. Just then, he smirks. "Are you perhaps pertaining to human names now? How interesting, Eunji." He straightens his back, chuckling by the thought of it. I couldn't help but have reddish cheeks occupy my entire face. "I-I'll be off then..!"


Morning. Purgatory Palace. King Jun's Room.

Loki enters my room with a surprised look, "King Jun, how unexpected of you to be awake at this hour. Although the sun doesn't shine in this part of Inferno, you are awake, how peculiar.." I smirk maliciously, shutting the dusty book in my hands. "Say, what do you know about humans?" Loki raises a shift brow, unable to comprehend the conversation and likewise atmosphere.

"I guess they are very strange creatures who do not possess an ounce of powers such as what we have." said Loki, looking as if he is re-thinking what he had just spoken. I stood from my favorite armchair and decided to look more into them. "Then have you heard of this people before?" I showed him one interesting picture that I have found in one of the updating encyclopaedia.

"I'm not really much into.." Loki then starts looking a bit disturbed and skirmish leading me to believe that he isn't really into humans and the sort. "This person over here shares the same facial expression of mine. Over such short research, I have found that he is one of the most powerful one amongst them. His name is Byun Baekhyun."

Loki scratches the back of his head, "..I do not know what to say to that, King Jun. What exactly do you gain from researching over humans?" Indeed, why am I suddenly so fascinated over such weak humans. And yet, here I am feeding my mind with useless knowledge about them. "..Summon the others. There are things I want to have a change around here."

Loki exits my chambers like the dark wind and leaves me with the sound of silence once more. "Eunji, huh. What else do you have in store for me.." I spoke, grinning darkly.


Meanwhile. Celestial Palace. Airi's POV.

"Milady, is there something bothering you?" I glance up to find Gabriel, rather with his new name, Luhan stare at me with great distress. I huff a smile out my system, "Oh, sorry. I guess I am just a bit tired is all." "Are you sure about that, milady? You seem rather pale, are you perhaps sleeping well?" And yet, with such kindness, I continued to lie about my health and situation. "Yes, I am sure. Please excuse me, I will continue more on my studies inside the library. I wish not to be disturbed, if that is okay with you.."

Luhan graciously bows wholeheartedly, "Of course, milady. Take as much time as you need. I am one bell chime away from your service." He walks off to tend to other matters while I saunter my way cloud after cloud to enter the library that holds mountains of books that mostly contain about everything of the Angel folks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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