Chapter 2 : Blue Rose Valley

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Evening. Celestial Palace. Airi's POV. 

I gaze upon the beautiful round moon out my glass window, it's even more beautiful the last time I saw it. "It's time, milady." I nod once, feeling a cloak surround my body. I pivot my head just a bit, "Gabriel.." "Yes, milady?" "For this Celestial Moon.. I want to be alone." 

There was second of pause, "Of course, milady. But please, do take care of yourself." I walk pass him, feeling my cloak motion with the wind. "Thank you, Gabriel. I will be on my way now. Oh, and please do not wait for my return. I plan to stay there much longer than the last time. I would not want you to stay awake for something as trivial as this." 

Gabriel extends his hand on his chest, "Whatever Milady wishes, I abide." I bob my head once more, pulling down the hoodie to obscure my face. I saunter my way out the room, successfully passing the guards that roam the palace. I leap down the cloudy path, making my way towards the blue rose valley which the ancient tree of existence stand tall and mighty. 

I pass through the thin barricade, accepting my form as a high status angel. I scan the whole place, none from both Angel and Demons seem to reside in such a late hour. I glance over my shoulder, watching as the Moon accompany me on this lonely cold night. I take two or three more steps forward, swaying the blue roses that caress my pale feet. 

Slowly, I untie the cloak that wraps me, proceeding as I walk in the middle of the field of blue roses. I reach my arm out, feeling as if I could closely grasp the moon with my slender fingers, and upon such act, my cloak launches up in the air with slight contact of the wind I sent flying through as I release the wings I have longed to set free. 

I lower my hand, freely motioning my wings to make small harmless winds in the area. It has been so long since I have been alone like this. It gives me a blissful feeling of being able to do whatever I want without pleasing Gabriel who frequently accompanies me. Even if I trust Gabriel with my whole life, I still do not feel the least bit comfortable spreading my magnificent wings to him. It is partially because of what I learned through the years, the no one could be trusted no matter how hard they prove their worth to you. 

They will either abandon you or worse, be the reason for one's downfall. Till now, I want to believe in those words my parents spoke intelligently. There is no one for me to trust in this forsaken timeline. No one except me. 

Evening. Purgatory Palace. Jun's POV. 

"Where are you going in such a late hour, Master?" I whip back to find Belial, leaning by the side of the beam. I etch a smirk, "What I always do; dominate and destroy stuff for mere pleasure." "Do you want someone to accompany you, Master?" 

I shake my head in denial, "Do not bother, Belial. I have bigger things to handle this time." Belial persist in asking, "What kind of bigger things are we talking about here?" I scoff, "The rest are none of you business, Belial. Why don't you go back to your chambers and entertain elementals or the sort." 

Belial remain silent. I unleash my black wings, whipping strong wings behind Belial who seems to take no infliction from it. I look over my shoulder, eyeing him. "I will be back. Tell the others that I have yet to accomplish a task of my own. Do you understand, Belial?" He nods, "Yes, Master." I turn my attention in front, leaping out as I head out farther away from my forsaken domain. 

I slowly feel the wrathful ambiance lessen as I approach the blue rose valley, the said legendary place where fierce disputes were held during the beginning of time. I step down the field, burning two or three roses to a crisp. My wings burn with blue flame, obscuring it away till further use in the future. So this is it, huh. Frail during Dawn. Strong during Dusk. How amusing. It makes me want to believe that this barricade is actually alive. 

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