Chapter 1 : The Legend

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**So I got a number of people requesting that I change the names of the characters to their EXO names. I don't mind 'cause I also get confused when re-reading this story~ Unfortunately, I will change the names around Chapter 3 so I hope you can withstand it till then? Pleeaaase. Thank you!** 

  Gabriel - Luhan // Cerviel - Kris // Jun - Baekhyun // Belial - Kai // Loki - Kyungsoo // Verin - Xiumin  


Long ago.. Before Angels and Demons were made, there lived an Angel that bears golden wings. It has been known as a legend to all, that every decade, an Angel with the most suitable pure heart could possess the legendary golden wings. 

These wings, however, brought dead to both parties; Angels and Demons. It is because of the golden wings' power that manipulates the minds of these selfish creatures. One golden feather, would grant you anything you desire. But rumor has it, that if you pluck all her wings, you will gain unimaginable power and the power to live forever, which one feather could not do. 

Thousands of years passed, and it seems that this tale has been long forgotten by some. But to some who still believes it, continues to search and yearn for it's powers. 


A Decade later. Celestial Palace. Airi's POV.

I place myself by the window pane, greeting a blue bird with a smile. I pop out my index finger for it to settle, it stared at me with curiosity, I did the same as I gaze at it's marvelous black beaded eyes. Seconds later, it's companion chirps from above, signaling that it was time for them to leave.

The little bird seated on my finger takes flight, flying farther and farther with it's partner. I gaze at both of them with amazement, until the two disappears into the thick clouds. I glance at my crystal mirror, disappointment written all over my face as I feel parts of my back. 

"..It must be a wonderful thing, to have wings.. flying almost anywhere you please." I shift my eyes out the window, "..To have the freedom and do almost anything you want." 

In the middle of my thoughts, a knock sounded by the door, "Milady, I'm sorry to disturb you, but it seems that the Head Council of Angels has arrived in the Celestial Halls, yet again." I curl up into a ball, tucking my head down my arms. "Tell them that I am not feeling well enough to see them."

"I have already stated that. But they persist on holding a meeting, it seems that they are willing to wait until you walk out your chambers, Milady." I groggily make my way out my cloud-filled chambers, "How many times must we have to deal with them, Gabriel?" 

He escorts me from behind, "I sometimes question myself the same thing, Milady. Let's just hope, in due time, that things will be over soon." "But what if they start another fuss in such an early morning. You do know how grumpy I get during this time of the day." 

Gabriel, my Angel messenger, lets out a silent chuckle, "Don't worry. If things go horribly wrong again. I'll be surely there to protect you, Milady." I smile, "But of course, that is what you do, Gabriel. You are the only Angel that understands me by heart. To me, you are my family. I am very grateful that you continue to serve my family name." 

We finally reach the doors of the Celestial Hall, "I feel the same way, Milady. To me, milady is my precious Angel that I am willing to protect." He pulls the doors to open revealing the magnificent Celestial Halls. It's greek-like structure that permits the clouds to enter is one of the famous trademarks in this palace. 

Second to that is the magestic crystal chandelier that emits unimaginable colors, placed high above the ceiling where the painting of the Golden Angel was tainted. Farther up ahead, was the throne of my deceased parents, who in fact, was helplessly murdered way before I was still a child. Only I, the last remaining throne to the air, survived that horrid night.

천사의 이야기 (Angel Story)(EXO Fanfic) || ❋ KimuGo OriginalsWhere stories live. Discover now