Chapter 1

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Yes i know that this is now my usall fandom but i have changed and im sorry... T.T no hate??? But i now wish to write Skylox storys so please enjoy my fist attempt at a skylox fanfic ^~^  ~ Lea Out


DEADLOX'S P.O.V:"Guilty!!!"

Screams and pleeds of a re-count could be heard through the court. Everyone knew that the jurry was rigged and that it was an unfair trial but it was setteled, Tyler Lox was being sent to T.C prison.

He had been acused of murder when really he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Set up and dissopionted, Ty hung his head and was slowly ascorted out of the court to where a poilce car was waiting.

Handcuffs tight and eyes full of tears, he climbed into the back seat prepearing for his six hour drive to the prison beyond the hills, where he would stay for two years because of an unfair trial.

It had been sixteen hours since he had slept and it hit him in one impact. His arms were weak and his eyes were heavy, he wasnt going to fight it. Quickly sleep took over and memorys where invading his mind in forms of dreams.


"Tyler!! Tyler!! where are you??" his mothers voice bounced up the stairs and brought a smile to his face. hoping down the stairs, he was only harf way down when he heard it. The sound he will never forget, his mothers scream.

Unsure of what to do, he ran down the stairs to find a horrible scence. His mother and father lying in a pool of blood. the window was smashed and a knife was rammed into the wall. He walked over to the wall and pulled out the knife, realising that it looked fimilar.

"T-ty,...*cough* c-cut the r-rope." He snapped his head to the side realising the was rope round his mothers neck.. He started to tear up, then sob, then came a flow of tears.

"d-dont *cough* cry"

Meeting him mother once more he grabbed the rope with one hand and lifted the other to cut the rope, but the police were allready there to see this disturbing scince.

~~end dream~~

The car was silent, they where allready there. T.C prision was a large, stone almost castel like building. Vines grew from the roof, giving it a medieval look. For a prision it was amazing.

The driver was gone but someone else was opening the door. His skin has covered head to toe in furr. His eyes were frightning but caling at the same time. He wore a blue jump suit that had T.C on it. He was frightning...

Realising this, he flashed his teeth sending you flying, deeper into te car and sending him into a laughing fit. After regaining his ability to keep a strate face, in a firm voice he began.

"You must be the new guy. Tyler Lox?? am i correct??" still in shoke all i could manage was a nod. "I know you are inersent so dontbe afraid of us, we wont hurt you. My name is Jerome. Luteit Jerome. Follow me to your cell."

The inside wasnt as plesant. It was dark, cold and unwelcoming just as expected. The cell was worse. Stained with blood, vines and nothing but a dim red light, 'way to set the mood'. The food was stail and horrible, the showers were cold and shared but worst of all, it was lonely.

Everyone tried talking to me but i refused to talk. I will keep my mouth shut and not speak a word for as long as i live. After a while everyone got the msg and stopped trying. I was silent, cold and alone, and it stayed that way for two years.

Guilty {a skylox fanfic} (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now