Lies are like spells

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She just walked in, her idea was that they would both walk behind her and they would both think that the other person is just entering randomly. Did it work? Yes. Was it gonna help her throughout the entire night? We'll find out.

She was talking to Tyler, while Nate was talking to some business mogul. She saw Nate walking towards her so she told Tyler she was gonna go to the snack bar. She went there and grabbed a piece of the s'mores pie. And Asked Nate if he wanted one, "no thanks" he says as he holds her on her waist with his right arm, and champagne on the other hand. He kisses her cheek and says "I have to go set up the presentation, will you be okay alone?" She looks at him and smiles "you're cute, of course I will." He walks away and she goes towards Tyler, he tastes the s'mores pie, it was amazing. The chocolate was so rich!

Nate sets up the presentation and the show starts, everyone takes their seats, Olivia in the middle with Tyler on her right and Nate on her left. Nate puts his arm on her chair. She was scared he would try to grab her, or Tyler would try to grab her. So she excused herself to to go the bathroom. She stayed there until the presentation was over while Tyler and Nate were talking. She comes back and Nate asks "where've you been?" Olivia replied angrily "in the bathroom, my stomach did not enjoy the burger last night" puts her hand on her stomach. Both Nate and Tyler laugh, Tyler says "me and Nate have been talking and his a great guy" Nate praises himself jokingly and thanks him. And says the same about Tyler. Nate thinks that Tyler knows he's dating Olivia. So he thought he meant it as in he's a great guy for Olivia, and Olivia knew that. Nate wraps his arm around Olivia's neck, and says "she's the best person I know" and laughs and Tyler says "yeah mine too" then Olivia pulls Nate's arms off of her neck, Nate Goes on stage for his big surprise. He says:
Today we are here to celebrate our companies coming together, but I also wanted to celebrate me and my lover coming together. I've honestly never been In love until I met her" Tyler whispers in Olivia's ear "I wonder who he's talking about" she says "me too" with a fake smile and silent sigh.
" she's the person that I've always dreamt of, the love of my life-" Olivia quickly ran and hit the fire alarm. Which was a good cover up Tyler told her "come on let's go!" She replied "okay just a second I'll meet you outside" and Nate comes up to her and says "I was gonna say the love of my life Olivia, and give you this." He hands it to her "plane tickets? To Paris?" "Yes, me and you next month. Yes?" She replied "I'll think about it." "What's there to think about? It's PARIS" "I know but I need time. Please let me think" she walks away and decided to actually think about who she loves. Who she wants to be with and spend her life with. She couldn't do his anymore. She had to pick someone so she decided who she wanted.

Love is HardOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora