Part One

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I have no idea how often I'm going to be uploading this but I hope to finish it all before Christmas.


 Mary was nervous. No that was an understatement. She was absolutely ,in Mannie's words, bricking it. It was just after five o'clock as she walked slowly through the dank empty streets of Hackney that October afternoon. She was surprised at how cold it had suddenly become. Soon it would be snowing and Christmas would be upon them.

"Oy, sweet'art," a chavy looking teen hollered over st Mary, his yellowed teeth grinning over at her. "Fancy a knock around?"

Mary stopped dead in her tracks before she turned to face the boy, an exasperated look clearly highlighted on her face. "Piss off," she yelled before sticking her fingers high in the air and returned to her walking.

"You're butters anyway," the boy shouted but the Mary took no notice of him. She knew he was lying. If she was so "butters" why would he have tried it on with her? She was beautiful and she knew it. She didn't have that fake beauty nor that inner beauty; she had real beauty.

After what seemed like hours of walking in the increasing bitter wind, Mary finally reached her destination: 8 Welfare Road. She stood hesitantly not quite sure whether to knock or just turn around and go home.

She played the two ideas in her head as she pulled on the strings of her borrowed triple extra large hoodie. After a minute of pointless debating, she pressed the bell but nothing happened. She tried again but once again she received silence.

Of cause they haven't fixed it. How could she have beeen so stupid as to think that they would have fixed the bell.

Sighing, she knocked the door and waited a few moments before a tall black teen opened the door. His once white shirt was decorated with various stains that he wasn't sure of their origin. His blue lableless tracksuit bottoms were roughly tucked into a pair of large unsightly socks which were a nice faded green colour.

"Oy Joey, who's at the door?" A loud voice came from behind "joey" which made Mary groan in annoyance. She was now fully regretting coming here, she should have called first.

"It's just the wifey, bruv," Joey yelled back to the nameless voice, a large smirk on his face as he looked down at said "wifey". His smirk, however, wavered a little as his eyes racked down at her choice of clothing today.

He was used to seeing his beautiful girlfriend in tight, skimpy, sexy outfits not... this. As curious as he was to know the reason for her outfit, he chose to keep it to himself and opened his arms out to her. She chewed her lips nervously as she thought of a way to hug him without him finding out her secret. She wanted to tell him herself. Hesitantly she allowed her feet towards him and welcomed the hug, making sure to keep a safe distance between their legs.

Joey's nose twitched as Mary's "hair" tickled his nose. He never could understand why black girls felt the need to attach fake hair to their own hair. If he was honest, he actually preferred Mary with her natural hair but he knew that he should keep it to himself. He's had enough experience to know that black women and their hair were not something to be talked about.

"What brings you down to my ends, babes?" Joey asked her as they walked into the house.

Mary gave a small sneeze as the damp smell of the house invaded her nasal passages. "I need to talk to you, innit," she whispered making Joey's eyebrows knotted together, he didn't like the sound of that.

"Er, yeah, skeen," he mumbled. " Just holla at my boys first, yeah?"

She nodded as he led her to the lounge. As she entered she spotted three teens, all similar in dress to Joey, sitting on the the tattered brown 'leather' two seater sofa. She shuffled into the room, muttering hellos to the boys who's attention was currently taken up by the 'show' that was playing on Babestation.

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