Part Three

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AN- Please note that this was all written without Word so there WILL be a LOT of mistakes. Just bare that in mind while I fix my Word.

Part Three

He didn't know why he had chosen to believe her, but he was glad he had. If he hadn't believed her, he would not have had the chance to share this moment with her. He smiled as he remembered that day. It was the day after Mary had just dropped the baby bombshell on him. He'd ran straight out of his house, no shoes, clothes or even hygiene for that reason. As soon as he'd reached her house, which was almost three miles away from his, he'd banged on her door until her mother couldn't take it anymore.

"What do you want," she'd asked, her annoyance was obvious on her face.

"I need to speak to your daughter," he said between gasps. He wasn't the fittest of guys, even he could admit it. Mary's mum, Miss Adams to him, had moved aside, revealing her daughter behind her.

"Who says she needs to speak to you?" she's snarled, still annoyed from last night. Joey's heart broke at the sight of her bloodshot eyes and runny nose. He had caused this and he hated himself for it.

"I'm sorry, babe, I believe you," he'd poured his hear out to her. "Please take me back."

Mary looked him dead in the eye, her face still masked with venom. "Who says I want you back?"

Joey's face fell. At that moment he actually felt like he was crying. "Oh." That's all he said before he picked up what was left of his dignity and started waking home. He regretted not bringing money or at least shoes now that he had to walk back all the way home.

The girls started laughing behind which made Joey's temper start to boil.  He was about to start throwing insults when Ms. Adams broke in.

"Oh, Mary stop playing with the boy."

That was almost two months ago. It was not mid December and Mary looked like she was about to pop. It had taken the two a lot to be where they were now. Asif was still mad at Joey for taking Mary back after she had 'cheated' on him, but Joey let it go. He would never understand. Rech had been the same, but T-boy had accepted them. He always did have a soft spot for Mary.

"What are we gonna call it?" Joey whispered as he slowly rubbed Mary's stomach. It was just after nine pm and Joey was, once again, spending the night at Mary's house while her mother was doing the night shift at the hospital where she worked. As Mary was heavily pregnant, it was too risky for her to be left alone, which is why whenever Ms. Adams was at  work, Joey would come over. She used to have her friends over but once the glamour of pregnancy wore off on them, they stopped coming. They rarely ever visited her anymore as her pregnancy restricted a lot of things that they used to do.  

"I'm not really sure," Mary said absent mindedly. "I want a girl though. I want to dress her up and show her off to everyone." She giggled at this which made Joey roll his eyes. He wanted a boy.

Joey tilted Mary's face so that she was staring deep into his eyes. He smiled at how perfect she was. He didn't know how he'd landed someone so perfect. He couldn't wait to make her his wife and finally take her precious flower. He wanted to be the only one to ever feel her. 

Even with the added weight, Joey still felt that Mary was the most beautiful girl in the world. They inched their faces closer so that their foreheads were touching.

"I love you," Joey whispered as he started to move into a kiss.

"Hold it right there, boys and girls!"

Joey groaned before rolling away from Mary. Not again, he thought.

"Bruv, why you got to cock block me all the time?" Joey whined to the light.

"Hey Gabe," Mary said sheepishly.

After Joey's first encounter with the angel Gabrielle, he had made several appearances and all of them seemed to be when Mary and Joey were about to get frisky. Just like the first time, Gabriel only appeared as a light but the intensity had lowered significantly since the first time. Now it was just like a candle flame.

"Hello, beautiful," the angel said to Mary. The two had formed a strong friendship through their time together much to Joey's dislike. Gabrielle turned to Joseph, "It's my job to, how you say, cock block you."

Joey mumbled something along the lines of 'dick'  just as Mary asked him the reason of his visit.

"I'm just here to check up on you." This, to Joey, sounded as if it was only for him. "And also to confirm that your child will be born on the 25th of December and it will be a boy." This made Mary groan in disappointment just as Joey punched the air in triumph. "You are to call him Jesus."

Just as Mary and Joey were about to ask why the child was to be called Jesus, Gabrielle vanished.

"Wara dick," Joe breezed. It was becoming something of common knowledge that Joe didn't exactly like the angel. "What 's date anyway?"

Mary quickly pressed select on the sky remote. "15th December." 

Ten days. They had ten days to prepare for the birth of the Son of God. 

There was silence for a while until Mary broke it. "Where is he goin to be born?"

This had been the question they had both been pondering. For as long as they have known, it had been the law that every child must be born in the birthplace of their father.

"Where the heck was God born?"

They didn't know how to answer that question. Thankfully, Gabrielle chose to appear.

"Yo Gabe, where's the kid gon' be born?"

Gabrielle sighed and rolled his eyes, not that the teens could see him. If he was honest, the angel didn't think much of Joey,  but in order for the prophecy to come true, he had to be there. Why couldn't Mary have fallen for someone less... Joey.

"Joseph, as you are the physical father, the child shalt be born at your birthplace," Gabrielle said in that slow and explanatory manner one would use with a small child or a simpleton.

 Gabrielle and Mary focused their attention of Joey awaiting his answer. They both prayed to God that he was born in Hackney or anywhere else in London.

Joey hesitated under their gazes before he spoke. "Barnsley," he whispered before clearing his voice and speaking a little louder. "I was born in Barnsley."

Mary looked baffled. She had never heard of Barnsley. Wherever it was, it sounded far away and none of the teens had cars or knew anyone who had a car. To put it simply they were royally... fucked.

Hehe, I used to live in Barnsley. In my opinion, I think it's worse that Hackney (I''ve never been). Anyway, the last bit wil either be up tomorrow or Thursday. If I'm feeling particularly lazy I might split it onto two because I've already written in and it's like five notebook pages and I'm very lazy to type them out. This was only two and I felt tired :/

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