Part 2 of Part 4

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As soon as the trio bundled into the shed, Mary fell onto her back into the birthing position. She started screaming and crying out as she scrambled to remove her already soiled leggings, giving the men a disturbing view. In the position she was in, the men could clearly see the head of the baby. It was a wonder how she'd managed to walk from the cart all this time.

"Do yer want me to call ambulance," the old man asked a little nervously. The man, Graham, didn't feel comfortable knowing that the young girl was going to give birth to a child without medical attention.

"No!" Joey blurted out suddenly,getting the attention of the other two. "I mean, I've already called them." The big man owed him big for this, the amount of lying he was doing was amazing.

Mary screeched again as she ached her back.

"Bring me hot towels and some clean water!" Joey yelled to Graham who willingly ran out of the room. "Baby, it's going to be fine."

"No!" Mary gasped as she clung tighter to Joey's arm. "It hurts so bad!"

Fortunately, Graham came back in time settling the water bucket at Joey's feet. Joey quickly washed his blackened hands. He turned back to Mary's side and tried to remember as much as he could from that video he and Rech had watched when they were young teens.

He started touching and stretching God knows what in the hope that the head would starting coming out and low and behold it did!

"We're almost there," Joey whispered to Mary as he gently held the head and started pulling. In no time at all, the head started screaming as Joey gently pulled as Mary pushed until the whole body was in his arms. As soon as the child was born, a load of gloopy gutlike gunk fell out of Mary. Joey signalled for Graham to pass the towels which he quickly did. He used one of the towels to wrap the child in and the other to wipe Mary down.

"Um, ye can come in and wash yerself if yer wish," Graham whispered as he looked down at the new family.

"Thank you," Mary whispered as she snuggled up to Joey and looked at her beautiful new child. The child seemed to be a mixture of every race known to man which perplexed Graham. He had the eyes of an oriental asian, the skin of a caucasian and black mixed and the hair of an indian baby. He was beautiful and a living miracle.

It was now the sixth of January and the newly made parents were sitting in front of the fire as their little angel silently slept besides them. They talked silently as they recounted their memories with the child's Godfather, Graham. Mary's mother was currently sleeping off her night shift which gave the teens the quality time they so needed.

Gabrielle had came to the teens a few days before to inform them that they would never see him again. Mary, as predicted, had been distraught and had cried the whole time he spoke whereas Joey had bid him good riddance!

The door bell suddenly rang, interrupting the teen's intimate time. Mary rolled her eyes and opened the door almost doing a double take when she saw Joey's friends at the door.

"Wagwan lady Mary," Asif grinned " We bring the child some gold!" He pulled out an obviously fake gold necklace and handed it to Mary who gratefull smiled.

"And perfume," Rech said as he handed her his box of Lynx Chocolate Deodorant.

"Not to mention, potpourri because all dat baby shit's gonna stink up your house out," T-boy grinned as he handed the still-in-it's-case potpourri. "So can we see the kid now?"

Mary laughed as she stepped aside and let the boys in. "Sure, just don't steal nothing."

How fast did this story go? I think I just over used my laziness here :L


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