Part Two.

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It had been X hours since Mary had gone and X since Joeys friends had all removed themself from his house without so much as a goodbye, not that he cared or anything. As far as Joe was concerned, Mary could go and jump of a bridge and die. His anger was still boiling over the news and his room was evidence of it. There was glass, paper; wood and even scraps of food all over the floor and Joey made no move to clear it up. It wasn't his fault after all.

How could she have done this to him, Joey pondered silently. They'd had two glorious, albeit sexless; years together and she'd never shown any signs of boredom towards him. He was certain that she was finally warming up to the idea of sex thanks to his many advances. 

Joey through his fists towards the wall in an attempt to filter his anger out but all he got was a very sore, possibly broken, hand.

"Fucking bitch," he muttered as he soothed his painful hand.

He didn't know how he'd managed it but the boy had stayed faithful to Mary. Not once did he succumb to the many advances of that, in Mary's words, Skanky Whore Manda no matter how much he had wanted to. And how does she repay him? She goes and sleeps with some next man. 

"If I catch that little muddafucker I swear he won't be breathing," Joey threatened to no one in particular.

"Maybe she's telling the truth," a little niggling voice in the back of Joey's mind whispered but Joey refused to acknowledge it. Who in their right mind would believe that God got them up the duff. He had always thought that she was a little strange if he was honest.

As Joey's mind raced with little reminders to Mary's insanity, his phone began to vibrate in his phone. He had been pretty sure that it too had been obliterated into miniature pieces during his rampage.

He groaned as he read the text.

Wagwan wit u bro, It read. Joey considered whether he should pour his heart out to Asif or not. He was after all his best friend but Joey couldn't do that, his pride was too big. However if Joey told Asif, the story would be out in no time, saving Joey a lot of explanation. To make it benefit him more than it already did, Joey would have to spin the story to make him seem like the little lost puppy he felt he was.

Mary bin chitin init. Bitch's up the duff and tryna make out that it's mine when it aint. I'm always safe ygm?

Joey read the text twice before hitting send. A small smile appeared on his face as texts from his friends came in floods. All of them were to Joey's favour, telling him that 'he didn't need her' and that 'she was a slut anyway'. Although Joey didn't necessary agree with it all he agreed with his friends. 

Satisfied with how things were going, Joey got himself into bed. Just as was about to fall asleep, a text came. Joey suspected that it would be similar to his previous ones but nonetheless he clicked 'open'.

Herd bout u & Mary. Lowe her bbe; u desev bettr, init. Lyke som1 like me. Bell me & I'll make it all btter.

At the end of the text was a one wink face and a sea of Xs. Joey's eyebrows went up at how suggestive that text was. He knew that Manda was known for her looseness but he never thought that she was bad enough to accept being the rebound girl.

Joey considered whether or not he should text Manda back. It was a good way to get Mary back, the girls' animosity ran deep and if Mary saw this she'd feel the pain she sent to Joey. Satisfied with his decision, Joey began composing the text.

Sounds gd but I'd rather u cum over. We can make each other feel gd.

He too finished the text with a wink and a sea of Xs. He was about to press send when a bright light appeared behind him. The intensity of the light was so high that Joey found that he could turn towards it.

"You know you don't want to do that, young Joseph," a voice coming from behind him said but when Joey tried to turn around to it, the light stopped him.

"Who said that?" Joey asked uncertainly.

He received no answer in return making him question his sanity. However when he tried to turn around to inspect the light source, he found that it was still there.

"What is going on?" Joey voiced his thoughts. He wasn't sure if this was a dream or not because he could feel the pain in his eyes whenever he attempted to look at the light but things like this don't happen. 

He shrugged his shoulders. Whatever was happening was the least of his problems. He turned back to his phone but just as he was about to send the text, the voice returned.

"Joseph," it said. The voice was quite melodic and peaceful. It was hard to tell whether the voice belonged to a woman or a man and it seemed that Joey was never to know.

"Bruv, What do you want?" Joey said, his voice wavering a little. This dream was getting weirder and weirder.

"You must talk to Mary. She speaks of nothing but the truth."

Joey snorted. This had to be a dream and that voice must belong to that niggling voice at the back of his head. Yes, Joey concluded. That's what's happening. He was just going to ignore it and hopefully it would go away.

"Joseph, do not ignore me. I am the voice of the Lord and I command that you go and speak to Mary for she carries a very important creature. Our saviour," the voice said. You could tell that it was getting angry because one could now tell of the gender of the voice. It was quite obviously male.

Joey was having none of it. He was sticking to his vow of ignoring the 'voice of the Lord'. "Yeah whatever," he mumbled to himself as he pulled the thin off blue blanket firmer around him.

"Talk to her before it's too late," the voice was no more than a whisper by now and Joey was pleased with this.

"I'll believe it when I see it." Joey didn't acknowledge that it was his own mouth that had uttered those words for as soon as he had said them, he fell into a deep sleep leaving a very annoyed and worried Gabrielle to look down at him.

It was mid-morning when Joey finally awoke from that deep sleep. He pulled himself out of bed and sat staring in shock at his room.

There was no evidence of what had occurred yesterday evening in his room. Everything was spotless. His clothes where safely tucked into his wardrobe; the snow globe atop his bedside table and most importantly, there was a noticeable lack of that wet dog smell that usually hung in the air.

"What happened?" Joey asked no one in particular. His mouth still hung wide as he raked his room. He had never seen it this clean.

His eyes wondered to where his second hand laptop lay and he spotted a bright green post it note on top of it. Joey didn't own any post it notes. He slowly and cautiously walked over to it before peeling it off and reading the words.

I've done you a favour, now it's your turn- Gabe.

Gabe? Joey could remember ever knowing anyone with that name.

Could it? No. This has to be a dream.

Joey pinched himself twice before he accepted that this certainly wasn't a dream. Just to make sure, he scrolled through his phone to see whether the break up with Mary had happened or not and surely there were tens of texts regarding the break up.

Maybe my mum cleaned it while I was asleep. Yes that was it.

Just to make sure, Joey ran out of his room to his mother’s only to find out she wasn't there. He ran downstairs to check the fridge as she had a habit of leaving him little messages whenever she went to work. Just as he had thought, there was a message written of a scruffy piece of paper glued onto to the fridge.

Hey Joey, sorry I didn't get to see you last night but I was so tired when I got in at work that I went straight to bed.

The next part of the message made his blood go cold.

Anyway, thanks for cleaning your room for once. I'll see you tinight (hopefully).

There was more written on the paper but Joey didn't read it, he had other things to do.

WOOW! More coming tomorrow. Did you all enjoy that? I hope you did because it took me a while! If you spot any errors please do tell me as my word had seized to function :/...

Anyway, love skeet and cheese ;) - Mimi

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