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Aphmaus POV
It was a super long laboring I mean they came out fast but one after another and another and another like oh my god it was one of the hardest most painful things I've ever had to do but Aaron and Katelyn were there helping me talking to me keeping me calm basically me and Aaron called our parents right after I had given birth to them the doctor said that they were all healthy the boys were adorable we named them Jacob and Adam then the girls were so so beautiful they're names were Jamie and Alison they were both two sets of twins if that makes since but Allie (Alison) Adam are twins and Jacob and Jamie are twins they are all so beautiful and delicate and they're mine ours I thought.Aaron holding Jamie and Allie and I'm holding Adam and Jacob because Katelyn went to go get some food for us from Bojangles while she was gone my parents and brother came in and saw me holding the boys my brother walked over to Aaron holding the girls and this happened
Luke:Umm Aaron please tell me your just watching these babies for the people next door
Aaron:N-Nope they're ours Luke meet your nieces Jamie and Alison
Aphmau:Yep and here are your nephews Jacob and Adam
Carrie:W-What you were having 4 babies and you didn't tell me aphmau what the heck
Gabriel:Now honey calm down she just wanted to surprise us it's a good.Hey baby girl (gives Aphmau a kiss on the forehead)
Aphmau:Hi daddy these are your grandsons Jacob and Adam and mom those are your granddaughters Jamie and Alison
Carrie:(walking over to pick up one of the girls)So baby when are they letting you go home?
Aphmau:Um I don't know.Aaron?
Aaron:They said tomorrow morning they wanna keep the babies overnight
Aphmau:Yea but don't feel forced to stay mom and dad I have Aaron and my Bestfriend Katelyn
Carrie:Where's your friend?
Aphmau:She went to get us Bojangles she'll be back soon
A couple hours later after they leave Aaron's parents and siblings get here
Abbi:Aaron......(she says slowly)What the hell did the babies duplicate
Aaron:Nope surprise we were always having 4
Abbi:(looks down at the ground sadly)So does this mean you won't have time for me anymore
(They come in and take the boys so they only have Jamie and Allie right now the boys are with the doctors and they're about to take the girls too for a bit)
Aaron hands Aphmau Jamie
Aaron:Come here Abbi
Abbi walks over to him
Aaron:Abbi you are my little sister I will be there when you get married I'll be there if Someone hurts hell I'll be there at your graduation what I'm saying is you will come stay a week or two with us at the same time as Aphmau's brother and you two are gonna help us ok(he starts tickling her)
Abbi:Hahahaha ok ok and I would love to come your house especially with Aphmau there (whisper) I like her
Aaron:(whisper)I like her too
Aphmau:Aw Abbi come here Aaron take you little girls
Abbi sits on the hospital bed with Aphmau she sits up and gives Abbi a hug

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