Theyre small fight

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Aaron's POV
I wake up to see Aph resting on my chest looking at the clouds in the sky and mumbling things to her self
Aphmau jumps
Aphmau:Oh sorry Aaron you startled me
Aaron:I'm sorry..Are you ok I heard you mumbling to yourself
Aphmau:Yeah I just really really miss Jacob and Jamie and Alison and Adam I just its felt like months since we've seen them even though I know it only been almost 2 weeks but I wanna go home and see my babies
Aaron:We can always leave early babe
Aphmau:W-We Can?
Aaron:Yeah let's go back to the hotel and pack up then we can go back to that jewelers place cause I saw some wedding bands and I wanna go ahead and get them
Aphmau:Aaron You've already spent tons of money on me
Aaron:I never bought the ring she gave it to me for free
Aaron:Yeah come on Aph get your clothes on so we can get going
A little while later
Aphmau's POV
After I got my clothes on and then started packing my stuff that Aaron gave me I then hear
They quickly pull up to where we are the police officer steps out of the car and walks over to me Aaron quickly gets in front of me
Aaron:Is there a problem officer
He says VERY VERY firmly
Officer:Yeah we got a noise complaint from here at about 2:30am to 4:30am you know something bout that?
Aaron:Where is the complaint from?
Officer:A small camp grounds about not even a mile away from here
Officer:You know something about those sounds?egh?
Aaron:(sigh)Those were from me and my girlfrie-I mean umm fiancé
Officer:And what were you doing to cause that sound
He asks as he writes on his notepad
Aaron:We were having sex
He stops writing
Officer:How old are you two 16? 17?
Aaron:I'm 25 and she's 22
Aphmau:That's very flattering though
I interrupt Aaron
Officer:Your not from around here are you?
Aaron:No sir were actually leaving today
Officer:(he sighs)ok I let you go on a warning but if I ever get a complaint again and it's from you two your getting a ticket
Aphmau:Yes thank you very much
He leaves and drives away
Me and Aaron just bust out laughing
Aphmau:O...h my god that was hilarious
Aaron:Alright let's get going
Time skip to at the hotel
(Because I'm Author and I say)
No ones POV
Aaron:I'm gonna book the flight for 7:45pm
Aphmau:Well I'm done packing our stuff so what do you wanna do for like 5 hours
Aaron:Let's go for a walk and get food then we can go buy a duffle bag for your stuff that I got you and then we'll go buy the rings and catch a uber to the airport
Aphmau:Ok let's go
Aphmau hold her hand out as Aaron grabs his phone and room key then stuffs them in his back pocket then grabbing Aphmau's hand walking out of the door
As Aaron and Aphmau start walking down the sidewalk they go to this little café on the end of the corner..,
They walk in and wait to be seated
5 minutes later
Aphmau and Aaron have been seated and are now waiting for there waitress or waiter
Waiter:Hello my name is Gavin I will be your server today what can I get you guys to drink
Aaron:Gavin....Gavin Jones!?
Waiter:hmm? (He looks up for his notepad)Aaron?Aaron Falcon...Holy shit what's up bro
They you know bro hug
Aaron:Nothing much just bout to leave to go back home what about you
Waiter:Well i moved here after collage and just started working here...This your girlfriend Aaron?
He points to Aphmau
Aaron:Yeah this is Aphmau my Girlfrie- I mean
Aphmau:I'm his fiancé
Waiter:Woah Foreal didn't think you'd be getting married before me next thing you know you'll be having kids
He starts laughing
Aphmau:We do have kids
He stops laughing
Waiter:Kid"s" with a s as in multiple i didn't think we were apart for that long Aaron
Aaron:We weren't we had quads
Waiter:Holy shit you got some magic sperm
Aphmau starts to chuckle she then burst out laughing
Aaron:Your embarrassing Gavin take our damn order
Waiter:Ok ok so what would you like to have to drink
Aaron:I'll have a Sweet tea
Aphmau:I'll..Have a Dr.Pepper
She says trying to catch he breath from laughing so much
Waiter:you figure out what you wanna eat?
Aaron:I'll take the Kaelub burger with fries
Aphmau:I'll take the Chicken tender dinner with honey mustard and fries
Server:Alright well this should be out for you shortly
He walks away
Aphmau mumbles then laughs again
Aphmau:Magic sperm haha
Aaron:Oh hush
Aphmau:You really do we had sex like 2 or 3 times before I got pregnant
Aaron:Whatever you know you loved every minute of it
He smirks
Aphmau:I don't know I think you enjoyed it a bit more then me
Aaron:I always enjoy stuff with you
Aphmau:(she blushes)Thanks Aaron
Aaron:I have a question?
Aphmau:Yeah?Whats up?
Aaron:Have you ever thought about being with someone else while we were in our relationship?
Aphmau:What the hell?No!Why would you ask that?
Aaron:I don't know I guess just seeing Gene again messed me up
Aphmau:Aaron that will NEVER happen again I promise
Aaron looks away
Aphmau:BAbe stop we weren't even together in highschool we just liked each other plus I would NEVER leave you so stop
Aaron:Stop Aphmau im fine I just needed to hear it from
Aphmau:Good you act like I'm going to leave you
Aaron:N-no i know you aren't leaving me
They're food gets there
Love you guys

Aaron X Aphmau )A Love Like No OtherWhere stories live. Discover now