Chapter 8

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By Talia or boots-da-cat

YUUUSSSSS!! All the lessons cancelled today at the barn so it was very easy. Me and my other friend/worker ,Edie, only had to do chores (muck out stalls, feed, water, sweep, all that stuff). The instructors were also in a good mood today.

Timeskipz of Netflix and POPTARTS

"Talia, if you want to you can come set the table."

"I don't want to set the table but you would force me to do it anyway." I answered my mom.

I set the table for dinner then I got on wattpad and continued writing Dangan Ronpa Animals. Yes that does mean I will update it soon.

"Ok Talia time for you to learn how to do the cat litter for whenever I'm on a business trip!" My mom said.

"Porkay!?!?" I whined.

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