3) Ronnie Uses The Phrase 'Shooting Daggers' Way Too Literally

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"People, may I have your attention please!" Hunter shouts as we enter the large training center again. The sun beats on my skin and though my head is full of questions and stress, the heat somehow helps clear my head and suddenly I feel as if I have just woken up from a good night's sleep.

Hunter must be a highly respected person at whatever this place is because immediately everybody in the training room stops what they are doing and looks over at him.

"That's sort of freaky" I mumble.

"Believe me, they are not this way for everyone" Ronnie says to me.

"Everybody, I would like you to meet the guy we have all been waiting for. Please put your hands together for the man of the prophecy, Chase Solus!" Hunter roars.

His words are met with the sound of a roaring and enthusiastic applause. Now, I may not have the wisest judgement but I do have common sense and something in me has a bad feeling about whatever Hunter is about to do. Nobody switches from resenting someone to praising them so easily and so fast.

Hunter turns around to grin at me. "So, who would like to go against him in one on one combat first?" he asks the crowd. His words are met with a deadly silence. I catch a few people looking at me in fear and it unsettled me.

"Why are they looking at me like that?" I ask Ronnie.

"Well you have to understand that you are the first fire warrior most of them have ever seen and they've all heard the horror stories of Ash's students".

"Horror stories?" I ask. "Wait, hold up, nobody told me that being a fire warrior meant that people would be scared of me!".

"You should be thankful fire fingers" she states, rolling her eyes at me. "No one is trying to pick a fight with you and, trust me, that is a gift in a place like this".

"Alright Solus" Hunter states, turning towards me. "Seeing as nobody wants to battle you, you can fight Ronnie first. Make a ring people!".

I blink at the crazy boy in front of me. "What could possibly make you think that my first competitor should be the person who is apparently the best fighter here?" I ask him.

"Best combat fighter" Ronnie corrects me, walking towards the circle of people.

"Thanks, that makes me feel better" I grumble.

I watch as two people dressed in green clothing that have to be earth warriors raise their hands. Suddenly a perfect circle platform rises a few feet before stopping, making a perfect fighting ring.

"I've never even held a sword" I tell Hunter as he walks over to me grinning.

"Well you don't have to choose a sword buddy" he replies, clapping me on the back. "You can choose from a variety of things. Bow and arrows, a spear, a sword, a dagger, some ninja stars, an axe-".

I turn towards the crowd. "Which weapon is the best for someone who has never done one on one combat before?" I ask.

My question raises a loud and hearty laugh out of a yellow uniformed ginger in the front. "For going up against Ronnie? I'd take a shield man".

I point at him, turning towards Hunter. "What he said".

Hunter rolls his green eyes at me before reaching out and grabbing a shield from the ground. He shoves it hard into my chest and also shoves a sword into my right arm.

"Don't worry, Ronnie won't kill you" he says as a mock reassurance.

"Can I get that in writing?" I ask.

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