5) Even When I Win I Still Somehow Lose

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"The smart thing to do would be to hide the flag somewhere hard to get to and keep it heavily guarded" Ronnie starts, going straight into war general mode. "That is, it would be a smart move if Hunter didn't expect it".

"We could hide it high in a tree?" an earth warrior offers.

"That would be easy for the air warriors to find" Ronnie points out.

"What about we build a sort of maze to hide the flag in?" Fawn tries.

Ronnie shakes her head. "Too risky".

"Well I'm just going to throw this out" I speak up. "I mean what do I know? I'm the new guy, but it seems like Hunter is the kind of guy that would send most people out to find the flag and is expecting a hard defense, seeing as they overpower us with a diversity of gifty's. He will expect the flag to be where the people are standing.

"So I say, we plant a trap. We have people surround a tree or something to make them believe that the flag is hidden there while we actually put the flag somewhere else, unguarded and unsuspecting".

"That's a risky proposition you've got there" Ronnie comments. "But it is different. And Hunter would never expect us to leave our flag unguarded".

"He would expect the flag to be deep in our territory to make it more of a challenge to get it across the boundary" I continue. "So I say we hide it in a tree close to the boundary. They would never expect us to hide something high when they have air warriors".

"That" Ronnie states, staring wide eyed at me. "May possibly be the dumbest idea I have ever heard. But it might also be the best idea. All those opposed to fire fingers's plan speak now".

Her words are met with a silence.

Ronnie nods. "Then it's settled. Fawn, gather a group and pick a tree close to the line where both sides meet to tie the flag into. Razor, pick two thirds of the people to search for the blue team's flag. The rest of you will head towards the boundaries of the woods. Make them believe we have hid the flag deep in the woods".

Ronnie then turns to me, searing through me with those intimidating blue eyes of hers. "You and I are going to search for the flag separately. Less people means less attention. Plus, I know Hunter the best out of anyone and you're the only one that can control fire, something that is vital if we run into Hunter".

I nod as she turns to the people around us. The way she holds herself as she addresses the students around her and the way they watch her, hanging on to her every word amazes me. Ronnie may not have any powers like the rest of the people do here, but it was obvious she was a force to be reckoned with and everybody here knew that.

"We have 15 minutes left so lets get going!" at her words, the group of people around us immediately breaks off into groups, shouting orders at each other.

She turns towards me. "Follow me" she orders before turning back around and walking away, giving me no choice but to follow her.

"So what, are you some kind of general here or something?" I ask her, looking back at the people that seem to be obeying her commands without a second thought.

Ronnie chuckles at that. "Now there's a thought. No, I'm just good at making plans and when people follow them, they usually work out in our favor".

"And when they don't follow them?".

"Our chances go to hell" she answers. "Believe it or not fire fingers I know what I'm doing here and though I have had to prove it more times than I would have liked, the people here know that my plans are the best chance we've got".

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