8) I Become Kardashian Famous Overnight

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Everything was going fine until Ronnie suggested that we should stop in a diner for a quick dinner.

"New Yorkers are the rudest people I have ever met" Hunter mumbles as a guy bumps into him roughly with his shoulder before growling at Hunter to watch where he's going.

"Obviously you've never been to Boston" I say back as we walk inside the small diner and slide into a seat.

We order our food and shortly afterwards it comes out.

"Do you really need that much coffee for dinner?" I ask Ronnie in amusement as she takes a sip from her filled mug of coffee.

But the bags under her eyes that compliment the scowl on her face prove that she does in fact need a cup of coffee the size of a relatively small hobbit's bathtub.

"Do you really have to ask that question? On the way here I almost crashed us into 3 different trees" she says back.

"I'm pretty sure one of those 'trees' was the statue of liberty" I point out.

"Then it's a freaking miracle nobody has reported a flying car into the tabloids yet" she replies before taking a sip from her abnormally large mug of coffee.

"You should have let someone else drive for a few hours so that you could get a few hours of sleep" Hunter says, frowning at her sleepy state.

"First off I'm not trusting either of you dumb asses with Shelby" Ronnie says, giving Hunter and I both a pointed look. "And second, I once went through 8 straight hours of combat training into an all nighter and was still able to successfully fix a broken carburetor and organize all of the books in our library the next day. I can handle a little sleepiness".

I raise a brow at her. "That car doesn't even look like a Shelby".

Ronnie raises a brow back. "And that bad judgement of names is the reason you didn't name her".

"Solus, why are you on the news?" Hunter asks, looking over at the flat screen on the wall.

I turn around to see what he is talking about and feel my stomach sink as I see my ninth grade picture on the screen with a heading that says "Boy That Supposedly Died In A Fire Seen By Bystanders Walking Through The Halls Of His School".

"Shit" all three of us state at the same time.

We go silent as we listen to the reporter. "A boy by the name of Chase Solus from Jacksonville Florida that was found to be dead- dying in a school fire weeks ago- has now been said to be seen walking the school ground followed by two accomplices".

The camera goes to an interview with a guy who I remember seeing in the gym hall before I snuck in to talk to Mr. Stines. "I know it was him" he starts. "I'm telling you, it was Chase Solus. He had this guy and girl with him. They made a scene while Chase snuck into the gym. I don't know why but I saw it with my own eyes, Chase Solus is alive and was at out school!".

I fuzzy picture fills the screen of Ronnie, Hunter and I retreating from the school. Though it is blurry, you can still see our outlines and a slight resemblance between me in that picture and my school picture.

"This runaway has not been seen since this event but police are investigating into this strange occurance. If anybody has any information on this missing Chase Solus or has seen him please call in to report it".

Ronnie suddenly shoves a hat on my face as she leans in front of me, covering my head with her face, laughing in Hunter's direction.

"Ronnie what the hell-" I start.

"Don't say anything" she hisses discreetly in my ear. "The guy two tables away has been staring at you for the past minute and has just pulled out his phone.

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