4) Do People Usually Wear Armor To Play Capture The Flag?

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Ronnie was right.

The second day is no easier than the first. And the third day is no easier than the second. This pattern continues for a week, the only bonus since the second day being that now I got to wear red clothes instead of the grey ones. I start each day more sore than I was the day before and it doesn't help that Hunter has apparently been declared my personal element instructor.

"Come on Solus, this is pathetic"

"Dude, I just learned a few days ago that I actually could control fire so cut me some slack"

"Come on, even the gifty's with the smallest amount of power here were at least able to do something after a week"

"Hey it's not as easy as it looks, you try lighting a match with just your willpower"

Hunter's eyes glare down angrily at my hunched over body as I try to move my hands in hopes that the candle on the ground will all of the sudden become lit.

"It didn't seem to take so much energy for you to shoot that flame of fire at Ronnie" Hunter states, bringing up the fact that I had hurt Ronnie on our first combat fight for what feels like the millionth time.

Of course I felt horrible about it but whenever I brought it up Ronnie would threaten to suffocate me in my sleep if I didn't stop apologizing for it, so whenever I felt bad about that, I'd just look down at my own wounds, courtesy of Ronnie herself.

"That's different" I snap. "I was encouraged by anger. The only reason you guys were able to find me and the only reason I was able to throw a lick of fire was because I was furious. I don't want to have to rely on anger to be able to create fire. I know you don't rely on fear to feed your water abilities so what's the trick?".

Hunter shakes his head at me. "Even if I actually wanted you to get good at controlling fire I couldn't help you. Everyone has their own way of drawing the energy to control an element. For me I imagine the water as a second weapon or an extension of my body, a way to fight more people from farther away".

"Okay, let me try that" I say standing up and brushing my hands off. Slowly, I close my eyes and lift my arms in front of me. I imagine Ash as he was when I first saw him, a sly smirk on his face and as he steps closer. I imagine the fire around me obeying my command and shooting forward to destroy Ash.

All this does is make me look like an idiot as I throw my hands up so fast that I knock myself off balance and fall to the floor, much to Hunter's enjoyment.

"Your first mistake" he states, standing up and walking over to me after his laughing fit. "Was thinking that my mindset to be able to control water is the same as yours to control fire.

He crouches down to bring our faces into a closer proximity. "We have different elements and different mindsets".

Ronnie is an even harder instructor than Hunter.

"Seriously fire fingers, pull yourself together. I'm wide open and unarmed. Just throw the spear towards my body like I showed you".

I took a step back, and pulled my arms behind my head, preparing to send the spear full speed into-

"Okay stop" Ronnie orders, shaking her head at me. "Seriously, what kind of stance is that?" she asks, motioning to my body.

I keep myself in the position. "What? It puts more speed and strength behind the blow" I respond.

Ronnie sends a swift kick to my legs and from my current position I go falling to the ground. "And it also makes you completely open to attacks. Come on, lets try it again".

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