John and Cynthia Lennon

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I'm going to start my story with John and Cynthia's 3 children asking about their life story...i know they ( sadly) didn't have 3 children but imagine if they did! 2 boys and 1 girl? Anyway! I'm not the best writer so please don't judge! ;)

John and Cynthia Lennon are sat together on the couch, holding hands,talking, kissing every now and then having a laugh when their three young children Julian, Julia and Sean Lennon came up to then.

"Dad, Mum..." The oldest 15 year old child, Julian said.

John chuckled. "Yes, son?"

Julian, Sean and Julia looked at each other. The younger Lennon's looked up to Julian, pushing him forward. Julian laughed nervously.

"We uhh... Well we..." He stuttered.
Cynthia and John looked at each other, raised eyebrows.

"You?" He urged him to finish what he wants to say.

"Jules! Spit it out!" Sean hissed.

"Shut up Sean! Alright alright! We want to know how uh.. How you met each other.  About your life.. " he finally managed to say.

"We would love to tell you, it might take a while though so you should make yourselves comfortable" Their mother tells them, John chuckles and they both smile as the 15 year old Julian, 12 year old Sean and 5 year old Julia sat down.

"Well....." John and Cynthia say at the same time as John kissed her hand and then slid his arm round her shoulder, holding her close to him.

John's P.O.V


I made my way into class 25 minutes late. Shit. I burst into the classroom and everyone turned to look at me.

"What? Never seen a guy walk in late before?!" I snapped and made my way to the only empty seat. It was behind a young girl. She had light brown hair. Maybe she should go blonde.

I poked the girl on her shoulder and she turned round.

"Hi, love. I'm John, John Lennon" I whispered, not wanting to get told off.

"I'm Cynthia, Cynthia Powell" She smiled softly and blushes lightly. I don't think I've ever seen anyone as beautiful as Cynthia.

"Well Miss Cynthia Powell" I winked.
Can I borrow a pencil?"

"Yes, of course John Lennon" She smiled as I notice her style. Hmm... She looks quite posh with her perfectly neat clothes and her long, tidy brown hair  perfect, not a hair out of place.

A few months later at the Ye Cracke...

"... And she told him-" I was about to finish what I was saying when I felt my friend, Stu, nudged me.

"Oi look mate! it's Cynthia" I followed his gaze and noticed her walking towards us, obviously she hasn't seen us yet, and was walking toward her friend.

"Oi oi lads! No more dirty jokes, Cynthia Powell has entered the building!" I smirked and laughed along with the other lads. However, there was one person who wasn't laughing. Cynthia. She had tears in her eyes and a some of those tears managed to escape and slid down her face. I instantly felt bad and then she ran off, probably to find that friend of hers.

A few hours later, I went to go and find her. I walked past one of the rooms and immediately stopped. I saw her. At the juke box. I leaned  against the door frame and watched her pick a song. When she finally picked one I slowly made my way over to her.

" Good choice, love" She looked startled for a minute and I chuckled.

" oh... Thank you John" She whispered and looked down at her hands.

Update soon sorry if you don't like it. I was bored and wanted to write this. Please leave a comment

John and Cynthia LennonWhere stories live. Discover now