John and Cynthia surprises and 'yes'

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A few months have passed and Cynthia is better now. They found the man that hurt her and he has been arrested. John, George, Paul and Stu have been sent to hamburg to perform in a club.

A year later...

Cynthia was really upset that he was leaving but she didn't want to show it because John would have got angry and she didn't want their goodbye to be an argument. He would have said things like "This is our big break baby!" or "Cyn I'll be back before ye know it!"
She was worried that he would Cheat on her. She was depressed, she was living with John  aunt Mimi. She's  so bossy, telling her what to do but then one morning, she suddenly felt ill and ran to the bathroom, throwing up. She has been feeling like this for a dew days now until she decides she'll go to the doctors.

Cynthia's P.O.V

I  sat in the waiting rooms until the receptionist came through.

"Miss Powell? You may go through now" The middle aged woman smiled.

She walked into the doctors room, getting even more nervous.

The doctor was sat there in his chair smiling at her as she came into the room. What was with everyone and smiling today?

"Hello Miss Powell, I'm doctor Mark. How do you feel?"

"Not so good, I've been sick every morning, I just want to know what's wrong with me" I sighed.

This was the day John was coming home after weeks of being away in hamburg performing at clubs all night earning a bit of money. I'm glad he was happy but.. But me? No I wasn't happy.

She hadn't realised that she was lying down and the doctor was checking her stomach.

"There's nothing wrong with you Miss Powell" He chuckled. I was confused because I've been feeling sick and now he tells me there's nothing wrong with me?

" What?" I ask getting really confused.

"There's nothing wrong with you, you're pregnant, that's why you've been feeling ill these past few days" He was grinning now and I felt even more sick than I just felt!

"..." I was shocked, I'm a 20 year old woman in love with John Lennon, pregnant and living with his aunt Mimi while he's away. PERFECT. Just what I need right now.

"Thank you doctor" I was still in shock and I sat up.

"Your next check up will be next week. Who is the father may I ask?" Is it really any of his business?

"John Lennon"

"Ahh young John, I was the one who delivered him when he was born 20 years ago" He chuckled again

"Really?"I asked, that made me smile just a bit.

A few hours later.

A few hours after I visited the doctors, John came home.

"Cynthia! I'm home!" I ran down the stairs, leapt into his arms and hugged him tight and kissed him.

He laughed. " I missed you too  Cyn" He then kissed me.

"I missed you  John so much" I whispered.

"I love you" we say at the same time and laugh.

"Would you like to take a walk with me ma' lady?" He winked. It reminded me of when he asked me to dance a year ago and made a complete fool of myself.  

"I would love too, kind sir" I giggled and linked my arm with his.

We walked and talked and the I remembered something. I'm pregnant. I need to tell him but I don't know how. How do you just drop it into conversation? "Oh yeah, I'm pregnant by the way. Surprise!"

The next thing I knew, his hand was waving in front of my face trying to get my attention.

"Cyn, earth to Cyn. Hello anyone there?" He sounded a little frustrated now.

"What's wrong Cyn?" Now he sounded more concerned.

"I went to the doctors today John" He looked worried for a minute and then asked " What's wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

" I'm pregnant" his face went pale and then he smiled.

"Well there's only one thing we can do then. We 'ave to get married" He smiled and got down on one knee and pulled out a small black box from his pocket.

"Cynthia Powell, I love you with all my heart, forever and always, you'll always have my heart, will you marry me?"

I smiled as a tear slid down my cheek, not a sad tear. A happy one. "Yes I would love to marry you John Lennon!"

He got up and slid the ring on my finger and kissed me.

"I love you John"

"I love you to Cyn"

"It's beautiful!" I cried as he grinned  at me "Just like you Cyn" I blushed at his comment and kissed him.

"We were on our way back and then i saw this  little jewellery shop, I asked the man driving to stop the car and I got out and went into this shop. I was thinking about asking you to marry me for a while now and I saw this ring.. I immediately thought of you.. so I brought it." He says, blushing slightly and I smiled, also blushing "When I got back into the car, Paul, Ringo, oh! He's the new Beatles member. His real name is Richard Starkey, and George noticed the box and they went as white as a ghost" He smirked and laughed.

John and Cynthia LennonWhere stories live. Discover now