John and Cynthia Lennon the Cavern Club

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A few weeks has passed and John and I have been so happy. Whenever we have free time, we spend it together. Phil hasn't warmed up to John yet.   She likes him more than she did before but not enough. "Hey Cyn are you free tonight?" John came up from behind me and snaked his arms round my waist, nuzzling my neck from behind.

"Yes John, why?" I asked and giggled.

"Will you come to watch me, George, me, Paul and Stu play at the cavern Club?" He asked and kissed my shoulder.

"I would love to John, what time?" He grinned.

"8:00, I've got this song I wrote and I want you to hear it, it's important"

" Okay, love. I can't wait to hear it, see you later"

                         At the Cavern Club...

John came up to me and hugs me tight, kissing me softly. A long ,sweet, passionate kiss, I still get those fireworks  and I love it.

"Hey beautiful" He whispered into my hair. "Mmm"

" Hey handsome" I replied and looked up and into his eyes.

"I love you Cyn, ye know that right?"

"I love you too John, with all my heart forever and always" I lean in to kiss him.

John walked up onto the stage with the others and once he reached the microphone he says " this is a song I wrote for me beautiful girlfriend Cynthia, Cyn I love you babe!" I blew him a kiss which he caught and blew  one back and winked. I notice a small blush on Johns face And then he started singing. I thought it was so sweet that John would Actually love me and write a song for me.

Then, when he finished he started singing another song and one of the other boys' friends came up to me asking for a dance, I didn't really want to but I hate saying no. I don't know what it is but I just can't say no.

They finished their song and John came up looking really angry, fists clenched.

"What do ye think you're doing with MY girlfriend?!" John shouted, causing the whole club to go into silence.

The man replied " She won't be for much longer mate!" He smirked.

That was it. That's what got me so angry. I turned round and slapped him, hard. It shocked me at first and I could see the expression on Johns face he was shocked as well but then he started smirking.

Before I knew it, the man had me pinned up against the wall and I hit my head really hard. John got extremely angry and that was when I  realised John was a very very very jealous man.

My sight got blurry and the man then punched me and I hit my head on the wall behind me again and then I saw John punching the man several times. He got off me then I collapsed onto the ground.

John came running to me straight away

"Cyn? Cyn!" John shouted. The music started playing again so it was too loud for anyone else to hear but me.

"Hmmm?" "Ow! my head. It hurts" I touch my head and there's some blood trickling down my head.

John helped me up and carries me back to his place.

He walked in and out me down. I felt really dizzy, everything is spinning and I can just about see John getting his bed ready for us to lie down on he turns around:

"Cyn darlin' ye need to lie down, you hit yer head quite hard, I'll call a doctor when ye lie down."  he says "Cyn, are you alright?"

I nod and then I walk over but I could only take 2 steps before I collapsed. I could just about see John running towards me before the dark finally took over and I was unconscious.

Johns P.O.V

She took 2 steps before she collapsed.

"CYN!" I ran towards her checking for a pulse, thank god I found one!

I ran to the phone straight away and called a doctor.

25 minutes later

Cyn is lying on my bed and the doctor is here.

"She'll need to stay in  bed for a while, no moving around. I called her mother with the number you gave me and she said she understands and wants you to take care of her, will you be Okay with that?"

I nodded. All I want is for my Cyn to be alright, I don't want and don't like the woman I love hurt!

"Yes, yeah doctor I'll take good care of her, how long do ye think she'll be out for?" I asked, biting my nail.

"Hopefully not that long, she should wake up soon. Keep talking to her and she might wake up quicker. Bye Mr Lennon. Call me if anything else happens. You need to give her these to get rid of the pain." He handed me a small bottle of pills.

"Okay thank you doctor"

I walked over to my bed and take her hand in mine.

" Hey beautiful, please wake up, I need you and I love you. You scared me to death when you collapsed, I didn't know what to do! The doctor called yer mam and she said it's alright you staying here. I love you Cynthia Powell so much" 

"I love you to John Lennon" I heard a whisper and I immediately looked down at her.


"Hey handsome" She smiled weakly.

I leaned down slowly and kissed her. She kissed  back and I smiled.

" Never leave me" I whispered. " You scared me to death when you collapsed, I thought I was going to lose ye!"

" I won't leave you John, please don't leave me? I'm sorry I scared you. I love you" She teared up.

"I will never ever leave you Cyn, I love ye"

And with that I got into the bed with her and held her close, she put her head on my chest and we stayed like that and talked for a while before we both drifted off to sleep.

John and Cynthia LennonWhere stories live. Discover now