John and Cynthia Lennon telling Mimi

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Johns P.O.V

Cynthia is going to be my wife! She said yes! The best thing that has ever happend to me is going to become my wife, and she's pregnant! I'm going to be a father. The Beatles now have a record deal and Brian Epstein as our manager and we have a little tour coming up for about 10 months. Cynthia is going to come with me. I missed her enough already from a few months so I'm not going to be away from her for 10 months.

"How has it been living with Mimi?" I asked her

"I.. Um.. It's been..." She stuttered her words

"It's okay Cyn, you can tell me" I said trying to encourage her to let me know what was wrong

" it hasn't been that good. She so bossy, telling me to do this and that, nagging me if I've don't something wrong. She scares me John" I knew she was right, she scares a lot of people sometimes.

"Well, you know we've got to tell her about our little baby don't you? and I am going to be right by your side throughout the whole pregnancy and for the rest of our lives"

"Thank you John, I love you"

"Good because I love to to"

We walked back to aunt Mimi's house but before we went In, I kissed Cyn and knelt down for the second time today putting my hands to her stomach knowing my little son or daughter was in there. I looked up and saw Cyn smiling at me.

I got up and took her hand in mine and kissed it before we walked into the house hand in hand.

"Mimi! Are you here?! " I shouted/asked

"John! I've missed you" I saw her coming out of the kitchen smiling

"We have some new Mimi and it's the best news I've 'eard in a long time" I say, she looks slightly nervous about what we want to talk to her about

"What is it John?... Cynthia" I saw her look at my fiancé glaring slightly,

"Sit down" I say

"What's going on?" She asks

" well... Me and Cynthia are getting married... and.... She's pregnant" I feel Cynthia tighten her grip on my hand. I know she's nervous and scared about what's going to happen next.

"WHAT! Are you stupid! You're only 20 years old. The both of you. You're absolutely stupid! You can't get married!" She screams at us and I see Cynthia From the corner of my eye with tears falling from her eyes.

" I am going to marry Cynthia Mimi! I love her, she's the only one who understands me, the only one who's really there for me, she's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I'm in love with her!" I shout back at Mimi

She looked shocked for a minute and told us to get out. Well she told me to get out while she and Cynthia had a little 'chat' i told her no but she pushed me out locking the door behind her. I tried getting back in and then I rememberd the back door was probably open so I slowly opend the door to see what she wanted to tell Cynthia. The door was open just a bit and saw Cyn sat on the sofa and Mimi standing over her and I heard her saying

" you know John doesn't really love you, he's using you, that's just how he won't love the baby either, he'll probably be out all night every night drinking and getting drunk"

I heard a sob come from Cynthia and that was when I decided to cut in

" actually Mimi I do love Cynthia, I'm not going to be out all night drinking when my baby is born, I'll be at home with Cyn taking care of her. I am not using her and I never have. I love Cynthia with all my heart always and for ever. Come in Cyn lets go. I have a another suprise for you" " good bye Mimi" Cyn walked over to me and I pulled her into a long hug once we got out side and I told her I love her a million times before we left for her suprise...

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