Chapter 1

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I wake up sometime during the middle of the night. I felt thirsty and so, decided to make a trip to the kitchen. But a strong arm was wrapped around my (slender) waist. I sighed sleepily feeling safe and comfortable with the feeling of his warm arms wrapped around me. So, I turned around to face him. It was a shame really, to the rest of the the male population because of how good looking he was.
      But I loved him all the more because he carried his soul in his eyes. I ran my fingers through his silky hair and pressed my lips to his sensuous mouth and I was immediately greeted by a feral growl that shook my bones, as he pulled me closer to him, all thoughts of thirst vanished from my brain. I snuggled closer and lay my head in the crook of his neck breathing him in as I smiled recalling all that we had been through just as he planted a kiss into my hair.

1 year ago...

I woke up after breaking into a cold sweat. One would think that after their death the nightmares would recede but it only seemed to have magnified. I threw away the sheets- "Ayesha honey, I'm making pancakes for breakfast so, why don't you hurry up and eat it before it gets cold!", I heard my aunt Cress say from outside my bedroom door. "Yeah, I'll be right down.", I yelled and rolled out of my bed. I slid on my glasses and walked over to the curtains and pulled them open. I immediately regretted it when the sunlight hit my eyes making me flinch. It's funny how I always hated living in New York with its population, noise and lack of open spaces. Now, living in L.A. I'd do anything to go back there, go back to- I stopped myself from going there and turned towards the bathroom.

I quickly took a shower and wrapped a towel around me and padded towards my wardrobe, but my eyes betrayed me and strayed towards the full length mirror. I saw long straight Raven hair, dark brown eyes that might've rather been black, framed by thick long eyelashes and bushy eyebrows all thanks to my dad's Asian heritage and round cheeks and a mouth which was my mother's most beautiful feature (according to herself) and a double chin, and my body seemed to be lacking a neck and let's just saw I was your walking talking epitome of fat!! I cringed away from the image and put my clothes on.

     My mother once told me, "It's a pity you are so bulbous ( yes, she never used the word fat as if it were some disease!) because with your features you could've been beautiful". I immediately felt sad, angry and depressed all of a sudden. Exactly why I shut away these memories. I collected my stuff and went down for breakfast.

I was greeted to the smell of pancakes and strawberries. Humming to herself aunt Cress placed a stack of pancakes with a smiley face in front of me. I never really understood how she and my mother were ever related. She was everything my mother was not. Back when I was younger I used to wish she could've been my mother instead.

"Sweetheart, have a great day. I know it's your senior year at a new school, so you must be pretty excited. And, once again I'm really sorry that I can't come to drop you this morning, I have a really important board meeting and as you're aware I can't afford to miss it.",she said with a dejected look. And finally after my repeated assurance that I'll be perfectly fine she dropped a kiss on my forehead and left. 'Excited' pfft I thought to myself. It couldn't be far from the truth.

Lost in my thoughts it took me a while to realize that I was already 10 minutes late. Groaning out loud I took my keys from the table, locked the house and slid into my black Porsche, heading towards Whitethorn private academy...

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