Chapter 2

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I slammed on the brakes a minute too late. The boy already came in between as the car came to an abrupt halt, my seat belt constricting against my chest. The boy fell down grunting and I immediately unlocked my seat belt rushing to his aid.

He was lying down the ground face first. I asked, "Are you Okay? I am so sorry. I really didn't mean to hit you. I-". My babbling came to a halt as he got up with the help of elbow. Standing up he brushed off the dirt from his jeans and blue Oxford shirt.

"I am so sorry. I really am, so sorry that is-". He signaled to me shut up stretching a hand towards my face and grinned. That's when I took his features, he had shaggy blond hair, gray eyes and a face most girls would consider good looking.

"Look no harm done. See I'm fine.", saying this he spread his arms out wide giving me a 360 degree view of his athletic frame. Then he extended an arm towards me and on instinct I put my hand in his. He had a surprisingly strong hold. "I'm Jonah by the way.", he said offering me a dashing smile.

"I am Ayesha.", I said dropping his hand. He raised his eyebrows, I sounded like a pathetic version of Moses even to myself.

"Anyways, it was a pleasure meeting you Ayesha. But, I'm kinda running late to class. So, see you around?", he asked backing away. "I am really sorry about running you over though.", I said evading his question. It was just for curtsy and he knew it too. People like him didn't hang out with people like me.

"I am really fine", he assured me pretending to talk like me. "Funny." But it brought a small smile to my lips.

Grinning he walked away. Shacking my head, I got into my car and pulled into the school's parking lot. It was huge and looked more like one of dads fancy offices than a school.

I got out and pushed the revolving glass doors admiring the interior of the school. It's interior was beautiful with light glinting off its frosted glass and metal gray walls. The walls were lined by potted plants giving in a homey look in contrast to the beast of a building itself. With its 15 Acre campus, it was one of America's most expensive and popular prep schools that only the richest of richest attended.

I guess I fitted that category, both my parents coming from old money. But it only disgusted me for some reason when I thought about it. Lost, in my thoughts I bumped into a girl who looked like she was Barbie's evil twin. Did I mention that my middle name was 'clumsy', "Watch were your going wide load!", she said sneering at me.

I quickly sidestepped her muttering a barely audible "Sorry", and walked away before causing a commotion. It had been painful in the beginning when people let my appearance get in the way and never bothering to find the great person I was underneath. But, those who tried I had come to realized, got burnt. So, I just ignored everyone and pretended to be invisible.

I, walked to the reception where I was greeted by a polite lady who gave me my schedule for the semester and handed over my locker combination along with the school's map. Asking me to wait the receptionist signaled for someone to come over. Before I could process everything I had gotten myself a guide. A perky, athletic, gorgeous brunette at that.

Turning towards the receptionist, "I really don't need a guide. I can find my way around. Really!".

"You'd be surprised at how many people get lost at Whitethorn. Even people who've been here for a while." A sweet, chirpy female voice said from behind me. Sighing I turned around to face the brunette. "You kids don't want to be late for your first class, so get moving ", said the receptionist from behind me.

The brunette grabbed my hand and started walking away towards my locker. That much I figured with the help of the map in my hand. After a pregnant pause the brunette said, "I'm Eva short for Evangeline by the way. But, don't call me that unless you have a death wish.", she said seriously. I smiled thinking that maybe she wasn't all that bad. "Ayesha."

"So Ayesha I must say, I love your hair. It's absolutely gorgeous!". "Um, thanks... Um, I guess", I stuttered. Damn! Why couldn't I take a compliment without appearing like a total fool. Maybe, because I've never received one before, I thought! But, she looked at me with something like understanding in her eyes. Strange.

"And, that is your locker", she said pointing towards a pale blue locker with my assigned locker numbers on them. Typing the key ( yes, this school had touch lockers! ). I put in the books that I'd come back and take after lunch, that is if I found my way back.

Eva, who was busy comparing my schedule with hers, "We both have AP English lit in common!" And appeared to be quite excited by the fact. I just nodded as she led me towards my first period. The dreaded Calculus class. I never really understood why I wanted to take math when we were clearly arch enemies!

"Oh, and one thing out school has the best food around. And it's crème brûlée' is to die for! Oh, and we have the best basketball under 18 team in all of America, you should definitely come for the game that's happening two weeks from now." I smiled at her enthusiasm and was some what taken aback about her approach towards food. Girls like her hardly ate anything to maintain their fabulous figures.

I kept walking already winded up because the school was quite big, but Eva seems unfazed. How unfair! That's when I realized she asked me a question. "I am sorry, can you please repeat that?", I asked sheepishly. "I asked if you're planning on going to the game.", she said, not even raising an eyebrow at my words.

Just as I am about to reply she points towards a classroom that says 'Senior : Calculus'. "We have arrived at our destination", she says with a robotic voice. I cracked a smile and waving to her and was about to enter the classroom but not before I heard, "See you at lunch". I turned around but she already disappeared along the corridor.

I quickly went in and spotted an empty desk around the back and flopped onto it. Nobody even gave me a second glance, not even a look filled with disgust or even a whisper. I was honestly quite surprised. But bracing myself for the worst, I made myself comfortable and took out my work book.

I heard bits of conversation around the class. Something to do with the breakup of the school's golden couple. Arg! How people wasted their time on something so trivial I thought to myself. 20 minutes into the class the teacher still hadn't come, instead a substitution teacher came and handed out worksheets.

Groaning, along with the rest of the class I started on mine.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of activity. However, I didn't see Eva during lunchtime. And, she also wasn't there during AP English Lit. Not that I looked for her, mind you. Nor, did I see Jonah again not that I was looking out for him.

Finally, the day came to an end and as I drove home, I thought that today was probably one of my good days in a long time and maybe I could get used to it seeing that I wasn't going to go to New York anytime soon.

After, I reached home, I was so exhausted that as soon as I pulled the covers over my head, I immediately fell asleep and didn't have a single dream in a long long time...

The Crossroads couple Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ