Chapter 4

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"So, man what's up with you these days? I mean, I saw you flirting with some fat chick this morning! Lowering your standards, huh?!".

I stood there backing against the walls and willed my legs to move... I wanted nothing more to do than walk away and avoid this conversation, even if a small part of ached to know what it was all about. But my traitorous feet stood glued to the ground.

I heard a deep chuckle, "What makes you think I was flirting with her, huh!? Sheesh, that girl would make any guy in his right mind run away?".

Please don't be who I think it is, please no! Just-

"But, Jonah man you don't do anything without a reason, so why were you talking to her?". I felt as if someone had stabbed a knife through my heart.

I know I shouldn't let myself feel this hurt, but when he'd looked at me and smiled, I felt as if... As if he looked through the fat exterior and into my heart. I knew such a hope was foolish, so very foolish for someone like me, but-

"You know I've been trying to get a summer internship at Maximilian Enterprises for I while, but I needed some stupid recommendation letter from one of the personal employees, but my old asshat of an uncle refused to give me one. And that's were Fat A, comes into the picture. Her aunt's one of the board of directors and with some luring she'll be putty in my hands and just like that I'll get the letter of recommendation I need!".

"Man, you're evil", said a laughing voice.

As soon as I heard their retreating footsteps I got out of my hiding place and ran to the nearest girls bathroom.

After throwing up the contents of my lunch and scrubbing my tear streaked face, I sat down on the cool marble tiles and leaned my head back against the wall.

All my life I was bullied for one reason or the other. During elementary school I was bullied because I was driven to school in a limousine, and had everything the other kids didn't.

When I was still a naïve little girl and told my parents about this all they said to me was that it'll always be like that since the other kids were jealous of me,leaving me to deal with everything by myself.

During middle school when I started gaining weight, it just added to everyone's list of reasons to bully Ayesha. After I certain point, I realized that I needed to look after myself, that I had no one to rely on. But then he came and put everyone in their places. He made me feel special. He...

Thinking about him only made my throat close up and eyes tear up again. So, distracting myself I thought about my new nickname - fat A.

I snorted at the new name. It was a new one. My personal favorite was the one given by my middle school ex- best friend Cassandra. Yeah like your all probably wondering, as she got big boobs along with a hot body that made her win homecoming queen at junior year and all guys fall at her feet I got braces, Acne and flab. Oh, I got big boobs too alright! But, I stood out like a sore thumb and like a mean girl in-training she broke off our 12 year old friendship. Again, both of our mothers were childhood friends.

My mom was devastated and instead of consoling me and telling me that Cassandra didn't deserve me, she blamed it all on me and handed me book on 'How to reduce weight in just 8 weeks'!

Coming back to the nickname I mentioned earlier, she used to call me 'Fatesha'.

I heard the bathroom door creak open as someone entered, I stood up an walked and walked past the girl.

I heard the bell ring earlier and knew that I was late for class. But I didn't give a shit at this moment and decided to skip school. So, grabbing my stuff from my locker I got in my car and speed home.

Home, what a strange word, I thought to myself as I unlocked the front door of my house.

We all go about looking for that one place to call our home. But how do you if you've found it?! My house back in New York was just that... A house.

Something about it always made me feel on edge. But living in L.A. now, at my aunt's place, I strangely felt like some unknown weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

For some reason I felt quite hungry and decided to make myself something to eat.

So, waked into the kitchen and made myself a turkey sandwich and grabbed a packet of my favorite Doritos and a can of soda and walked towards the television as I snuggled beneath my favorite comforter.

I finally settled on my all time favorite sitcom- Friends, also thinking that I needed a good laugh.

To me food+television=heaven.

So, after watching the entire first season of Friends, I felt I weight on my eyelids and I immediately drifted asleep.

Sometime later, I woke up to the sound of the clanging of cutlery and realized that my aunt must be home. Knowing that I had an explanation ahead of me, I tiptoed up the stairs to change.

Ten minutes later, as I walked down the stairs, I saw someone glaring at me and let me assure you here that someone was not my aunt nor the ghost of my dead grandfather Charles.

But I very, very pissed and intimidating looking bald man.

Before I could shout for help, he reached me and covered his hands over my mouth as I began to trash I his hold.

But, I knew one thing. I was not going down without a fight!

.............................................................................................................  Author's note:

Hey guys,
So as you all know my forth chapter is up!
Yay! Again as I've mentioned earlier this is my first attempt at writing so please be kind and let me know what y'all think of this chapter! And, I don't think your reading this but Jessiegirl93, Rubixcube89201, and yuenwrites my favorite authors on Wattpad are the major reason I'm actually writing this book! And the aforementioned people  I just absolutely love your books. So, please keep writing and spreading smiles :)


P.S. Thank you so much for all those of you who've given my story a shot! Thank you 😘

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