Chapter 3

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"Hello, darling what are you doing up so early?", I turned around to meet the sparkling green eyes of my aunt Cress. They always reminded me of my mother.

"Nothing really, just couldn't fall asleep so I thought I'll make some breakfast.", I said avoiding my aunt's suspicious gaze. She new something was wrong, but I didn't want to bother her with my problems.

"That's really sweet of you, honey", saying this she helped herself to a plate of waffles. "Why don't you go change and join me for breakfast".

"Sure, I'll be right down ", saying this I went up the winding staircase of our house. While my house back in New York was huge and extravagant yet cold and empty, aunt Cress's home seemed somewhat untouched by the filth of the world around us.

Yesterday was the first time that I didn't have a nightmare in months. After aunt Cress came home, she woke me up to have dinner. The dinner was delicious meal of honey and lemon glazed chicken, mashed potatoes, biriyani, and sautéed spicy vegetables.

But the moment I went to bed, the nightmares came. Like they always did. Making you feel safe and peaceful only to pounce on you and scare the shit out of you in your waking hours.

I woke up shuddering from a nightmare. After waking up I couldn't go back to sleep and did the only thing that calmed me, I cooked.

I've always been passionate about cooking. But my parents never seemed to appreciate it, only looking down upon it. To them I was always a disgrace.

Not wanting to have a repeat as yesterday, I changed into my baggy clothes and took my book bag making my way downstairs.

"Ayesha, darling are you free this Saturday?, oh and by the way those waffles were delicious. Thank you for the amazing breakfast." I looked at my aunt who was sipping her tea and smiled at her.

Did she really think I was capable of making friends so fast? Actually did she even think that I had a social life?

"I am glad you liked breakfast aunt Cress and it was no problem at all. And regarding your question earlier yes I am free this Saturday. Why though?".

My parents would have been proud at my manners. Too bad aunt Cress was the only person who I thought was deserving enough to get on my good side.

"There is a friend and colleague of mine whose son is also a senior at Whitethorn. I'm afraid I don't know much about him, but his name is Lucien and is a very good looking young man and his mother has invited us for dinner. I'd really like it if we could go.", she said winking at me.

As much as I wanted to stay home curled up in front of the TV and order Chinese take out, I didn't have the heart to tell her 'no'. She's done a lot for me after their deaths. And has been a way better guardian that either of my parents would have ever been.

So I did the obvious and told her, "Yeah, Saturday sounds good.", she beamed and placed a kiss on my head.

And for my aunt to think guys would actually be interested in me. I shuddered at the thought.

So after saying goodbye I left for school.

As soon as I pulled into the school parking lot I got out of the car only for a pair of hands to cover my eyes.

"What the-", just then the stranger took their hands off me and I whirled around to face the intruder.

"Oh, it's you", I said to a pouting Eva. "Oh, c'mon your greeting couldn't have been anymore colder". Sighing,"I was just surprised that's all".

"Right!", and before I knew it someone came and bumped into me. "Watch it-", I cut off as soon as I saw the person's face.

"Hello there darling. We seem to be getting into each other's path quite a lot now!", said abgrinning Jonah.

"You two know each other?", asked a suspicious Eva.

"Oh, hello to you to. Sort of, she kind of crashed her car into me yesterday.", he said, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

"Anyways it was nice catching up with you Jonah, but we've both got places to be.", before I could say so much as a hello to him, Eva dragged me away, towards the revolving glass doors of Whitethorn.

I small part of me was annoyed at her for interrupting us, while another part of me felt relieved to not be making a fool of myself in front of him.

After we were a say distance away from him, "I'm going to warn you once, Jonah Millers is not someone to be associated with. He's a scholarship kid, but that's not why I'm saying this. He's been nothing but trouble since he walked into Whitethorn. I'm saying this with your best interests at heart.".

I was touched by her concern, I've never really had a friend. But at the same time, I couldn't help but feel angry at her for making me feel inadequate, that I couldn't take care of myself.

"I appreciate your concern, but I can take care of myself okay?!".

"Look I really didn't mean to sound harsh, but, we'll never mind you don't want to be late for class so see ya!", she said before taking another corridor while I walked towards AP senior calculus.

We had another substitution teacher, who handed out our evaluated work sheets and started to explain about our current topic. I droned out through out the rest of the class.

I met Eva who was standing outside my AP physics class and together we walked towards the cafeteria. We ordered our food, paid for it and joined Eva's friends at a secluded corner of the room.

"Everybody this is Ayesha and Ayesha this is in everybody.", she introduced as we sat down for lunch. Everyone chuckled at that.

"I'm Matt", a skinny tall, dark guy wearing glasses introduced himself, just as a plump (but not as fat as me), blond hair, blue eyed girl introduced herself, "I'm Aria" and that when I noticed I a tall, buff looking guy make out with Eva, who broke off long enough to say, "And I'm Joseph a.k.a Eva's boyfriend". And went back to kissing her.

I just nodded at them and began to eat my chicken noodle soup, egg sandwich, double fudge brownie, fries and ginger ale.

They seemed to be a close knit group and while Eva tried to include me in their conversation, I just answered in monosyllables and after a while she gave up.

Finishing my lunch,I excused myself and chucked my tray in the recycle bin and walked towards the library, but a particular conversation happening outside the cafeteria made me halt in my tracks...

                                                                                          Author's note:

Hey guys!
       This is my first time writing a book. I'm usually not the type to take time and write stuff. But I've upgraded from my couch potato status and thought I'll give it a shot. So, I still have long way to go, but I promise that this story is going to be one great ride together. So, hang on tight!


P.S all comments and suggestions are appreciated. Thank you :)

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