Ch 2 Mistake

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Makoto was woken by the bright rays of the sun peeking through the room's window. It was the first time he has woken with the sun shining directly at him. Then he realized, "Wait. Til when did my bed placed beside the window? Since when did my curtain become blue green?" He gasped. "No. This is definitely not my room." As realization dawned on him, memories of what happened last night came flashing through his dizzy head, making his face flush and hot.

As he was processing his thoughts, he noticed a heavy arm weighing on his waist and as he looked towards the owner of that warm arm, his heart started throbbing out of his chest. It was Sousuke. Sousuke was snuggling beside him, so close, their naked skin touching each other. Makoto felt so embarrassed, he didn't even know what came to him last night that he did what he and Sousuke did with each other.

It was a mistake, Makoto thought to himself. He wasn't even gay in the first place and then one night he was done by a male he hasn't even spoke with formally. They know each other, yeah, but it's not like they shared any interests, or has hang out with each for a long time. They barely knew each other, and they only see one another during swimming contests, or those few times that Iwatobi and Samezuka has joint practices. "What have I done to myself?" Makoto thought as he told himself that he gave his first time NOT to a beautiful female, but rather to a handsome, and yes, a hot looking MAN.

As he looked at Sousuke's sleeping face, which was god damn angelic like a child's, he decided to fix himself up and better get going before the man beside him wakes up. He sneakily got out of Sousuke's hold, slowly but surely picking up his clothes scattered on the floor without making any sound, but his hips and lower part ached so much he nearly stumbled on the wooden floor, it's just good that he has strong legs that supported his whole body. Being a swimmer proved it has its perks. While trying to wear his boxers on, Makoto felt something dripping from his ass all the way down his inner thighs. He facepalmed himself at the embarrassment, thinking that if ever he was a woman, he surely would've been pregnant by now because of all of Sousuke's semen inside him.

He quickly grabbed the box of tissue on the floor and wiped the sticky substance dripping from him. In a few minutes, Makoto has already put on his jeans and shirt, the last thing to do is to wear his shoes and get out of the building where he was. Before he opened the door, he took a last glance at Sousuke who was still sleeping soundly, unaware of his surroundings, and Makoto thought to himself that one day Sousuke might wake up in an empty room because he was robbed while asleep. He chuckled at his own thought.

Meanwhile, in Sousuke's dream...

"Makoto, I have something to tell you..."

"What is it, Sousuke?"

"Uhmm, you know... you know that..."

"I know what?"

"You know that... I-I l-like you, right?"


"Don't be so surprised please. I know we barely even talk to each other, but seeing you with your friends... Just seeing you smile and care for them was enough for me to fall in love with you..."

"Oh Sousuke! Is this true? I'm so happy! I like you too, so much!"

"Makoto! I love you!"

"Hnn.. mmmn.. hnngg"

"Hey Mako-chan! Where were you last night? We were looking for you," Nagisa jumped at Makoto as soon as they saw each other at the swimming club locker room. It was a Saturday but they all agreed to chill out at the swimming pool since it will be the last time that Haru and Makoto will be there before their graduation.

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