Ch 4 Disappointed

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7:00 PM, Friday

The day that Makoto has secretly been waiting for has arrived after a week of impatiently thinking of what would happen on that very day. The outgoing Iwatobi swimmers, Haru and Makoto, invited the new members of the swimming team to their planned drinking session with the Samezuka swimmers. And of course, their Senpais Nagisa and Rei wouldn't be left out.

The swimmers from both schools have already gathered in 'Gochisousama', a typical Japanese restaurant that offers foods and beverages inside the store and there are also tables and chairs under an umbrella outside. Since the restaurant is just small inside, the Iwatobi and Samezuka guys occupied the whole resto. By that time, everyone was already there, except for the person that Makoto was waiting for - Sousuke.

Makoto was already thinking to himself 'did he just tell me that he would confess to me today so that he could make fun of me for saying that I'll listen to everything he has to say?!' Makoto was mentally slapping himself on his face, saying he was so stupid for believing Sousuke, he would've known that Sousuke was just playing with him.

On the other hand, Sousuke was busy picking flowers in the nearby Shoyou Flower Shop, the best flower shop in town. He wasn't sure what Makoto likes in the first place and was having a hard time choosing between all the fresh, beautiful flowers surrounding him. 'I should've asked him the last time! But it would be obvious if I asked him. Tch.'

"Mister, have you chosen which flower to buy? Because it's almost closing time for the shop. I'm sorry to interrupt sir, but we need to close in a few minutes," the red-haired lady shop clerk politely asked Sousuke.

"Ah! Uhmm, I'm sorry I'm just having a hard time because you see, there's this person who is special to me. I want to give them something that will represent their character, being fair, pure and fragile," Sousuke explained while blushing.

The red-haired lady was touched by Sousuke's sweetness and decided to help him. "That was very touching sir, I hope I could help you with choosing the right flowers for your special person. If you could please look at these," the clerk showed Sousuke to the Lilies section, "Lilies resemble fairness, purity, or fragility, exactly like the person you were describing. And these Roses," the lady smelled the scent in the Rose section before continuing, "Roses are common, but each color of the Rose represents something else. This white roses symbolize pure love," after hearing those explanations, Sousuke quickly told the lady to wrap half a dozen of Lilies and half of the white Roses in a bouquet. Sousuke was giddying when he saw how beautiful the flowers were wrapped. He thanked the lady and also gave her a tip. He rushed over to the resto and was feeling kinda nervous. 'How am I gonna look at Makoto? I'm so nervous I don't know how to start confessing. Oh well! Sousuke, just enter the damn resto first!'

The small restaurant had six long tables, 3 on each side with 8 people seating capacity each. Rin was the first to notice Sousuke arrive because he was sitting near the door, next to Haru of course. In front of them were Makoto, and Seijuuro sitting close next to him with his arm around Makoto's shoulder. Sousuke's nerves in the head twitched as he saw Seijuuro, Samezuka's former club captain, acting so close with Makoto urging him to gulp down the beer in his beer mug.

"Yoh! Sousuke! Here!" Rin called out to him as he was spaced out looking at the two in front of him. 'You don't need to tell me, I'm really sitting there cause that should be my place!' Before he went to their table, he secretly left the bouquet of flowers on the cashier counter.

"Sousuke! Long time no see! I thought you weren't coming tonight. You know *hiccup* I didn't know Makoto here is such a light drinker!" *hiccup* said Seijuuro as Sousuke sat beside Makoto on the other side, still clinging his arm on Makoto's shoulder. Sousuke could only send death glares at him which Rin has noticed.

"Makoto's been gulping down his beer since we arrived, don't know why. He seemed upset about something but he wouldn't say anything," Rin explained.

"Who said I was u-upset? I'm NOT! Why sh-should I be? Oh! Ya-yamazaki-san you! You're here! Been a while huh? You kn-know Seijuuro-san's been letting me drink since we a-arrived. B-but I am DEFINITELY not upset about any-anything, I swear! He-hehe," Makoto kept spouting as his hand gripped on Sousuke's chest, his firmly ironed polo now crumpled. He was definitely drunk by now, Makoto was, and Sousuke was late by an hour, who wouldn't be upset when the one who invited you was the one who was late? 'I can understand if Makoto's upset because of me, but what's with the first name basis here?'

"Makoto I-"

"C'mon Tachibaby! Drink more! Let's both get drunk and enjoy the night! This is an early celebration for your upcoming graduation! Drink drink, you too Rin, Haru, Sousuke," Seijuuro interrupted and even pulled Makoto closer to him, causing him to wrap his arm around Seijuuro's waist. All were laughing at them, except for Sousuke whose blood was boiling for Seijuuro. 'What the heck was with Tachibaby? Were they this close before!?'

"Senpai, please stop that, Makoto's already drunk. You know he's a light drinker," Sousuke still kept his cool and simply unwrapped Makoto and Seijuuro together, but his grip on Makoto's wrist is strong.

"Don't be such a party pooper! Makoto's still fine, right Tachibaby?" Seijuuro pulled Makoto by his waist and pecked him on his cheeks. 'This motherfucker!' This made Sousuke explode. He gulped down his beer and forcefully brought down his beer mug on the wooden table, creating a loud bang! Everyone were surprised and looked at their way, staring at Sousuke whom they have never seen so angry before. He snatched Makoto's hand and intertwined it with him, dragging him up and out of the resto. Everyone were still, shocked and speechless.

"Sir! Excuse me! Your bouquet!" the waiter shouted and run after the two. He handed the bouquet to Sousuke and smiled. "Thanks," Sousuke said and gave the waiter quite a tip.

"Wait Yamazaki-san! It hurts!" Makoto was complaining, his feet can no longer keep up with Sousuke's pace, "My feet hurts, can you stop walking so fast?!"

Sousuke didn't answer but he hailed a taxi and gave the address to his apartment. Once they were in his apartment, Sousuke locked the door and pushed Makoto against the wall. His blood was really boiling, he's mad and he needs to let it out. He didn't hesitate and smashed his hot, red lips on Makoto's. Makoto resisted at first, pushing and punching Sousuke's chest but his efforts were wasted. Sousuke was solid rock.

A good few minutes passed and Makoto has started to respond to Sousuke's kisses, putting his hands on the other's face and neck while their tongues twist and turn inside each other's mouths. Both of them were moaning, not wanting to let go of each other's lips, their crotches rubbing at each other. They were only kissing, but so passionate to the point where each of them felt like they could come just through kissing.

"DAMN! MAKOTO!" Sousuke breathed out.

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