Chapter 1: The Start

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"Aphmau, wake up!" Katelyn said, shaking Aphmau like crazy.
"Uhh, just give me like, 5 more minutes," said Aphmau.

"No, I have to go to my first theatre class! And plus, you have to go to work. It's like 9 in the morning! Wake up, or else!"

"Uh, fine. But I hate the maid job, I didn't even sign up for it. Kawaii~Chan made me do it. And Laurance and Garroth are there all day just to see me in the maid outfit. By the way, is Kawaii~Chan even up?"

"I doubt it. I'm not even going to try with her. 'Mief'was must get at least 13 hours of sleep each night,' she says."

"Okay, Okay. I'm gonna go get ready. You should to, if you haven't already. Good luck with theatre class."

"Good luck with work. I gotta go." Katelyn headed out of the room and down the stairs.

Knock, Knock.

Katelyn opened the door and...

"Heyy, Katelyn," said Travis, who was at the door.

"Travis, go away. I have something very important to go to."

"Did it hurt?"

"Let me guess, when I fell from heaven 'cause I'm an angel? Nice try."

"Well, it was worth a shot."

"Leave now or I'll punch you in the face."

"But I--"



"Leave. NOW."

"Okay, okay. I'll leave. I guess this hotness is too much for you to handle."


And... he ran off.

"Oh thank goodness, he left."

"Bye Aphmau! Good luck with work! You're gonna need it!" Katelyn said right before she left. Katelyn had always secretly liked theatre. A couple of weeks ago, she put on a play, Romeo and Juliet, that went horribly wrong, but the audience loved it. After that fiasco, she took a test for the theatre class at the local community college, and got in. Katelyn had arrived at the community college to see so many people in the class. Katelyn thought to herself, This is so nerveracking! What if my new classmates don't like me? I do have major anger issues, especially to Travis, but I also have a sensitive side! Okay, I'm not just going to stand here and stare at everyone, I'm gonna go sit down at the first seat I see.

"Hello. I'm so sorry I'm late, I had friend problems," Katelyn said to the teacher.

"Luckily for you, I had just started roll call. What's your name?" asked the teacher.


"Oh, I saw the neighborhood play you directed. You have a lot of potential." Katelyn smiled.

"Okay class, you may mingle for a few minutes while I go find my co-teacher."

Okay, Katelyn thought, I'm going to turn to the person next to me and make a casual conversation with whoever it is. "Hi, I-- TRAVIS?!"

"Heyy, Katelyn," Travis said.


"Lost for words, huh? Well, before you so rudely shooed me away and punched me in the face," He deserved it, she thought, "I was about to ask if you got into the theatre class and if you said you did then I would say that I got in too!"

Katelyn was speechless.

"Well class," said the teacher, "open your books to Chapter 1."

Katelyn thought to herself, "This is going to be a LONG year."

(Sorry if this chapter sounds like a Travlyn fanfic. I JUST LOVE TRAVLYN SO MUCH!!! Don't worry, there's more Zane~Chan to come in the next chapter!!)

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