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I was so happy which I wasn't sure was a good thing, Beck was mine. I opened my door to leave my house their walking towards me was Prince Charming MINE.

"Hello babe I missed you." He grabbed me running his hand through my hair, I looked at him he gently kissed me his lips brushing against mine he was so sweet the smell of him was intoxicating.

We walked to school slowly stopping at a coffee shop he already knew my order. As we walked into the building their was everyone was, suddenly they turned to me and beck were we going official or not. I liked scaring boys away but I didn't like girls looking at Beck.

He also was looking confused, then we decided to walk away act like we weren't a item. To be honest I didn't want all the stupid girls spreading rumours they are so dumb. There was only one girl I liked she was so innocent. most people here were mean to her or made fun of Cat she didn't deserve it she is so sweet. I didn't like people but pitty had got the better of me with her.

Cat was sitting on the floor against her locker playing with her toy giraffe.

"Cat, what are you doing?"

"Jadey, meet Mr Dog. see he called dog but he's a giraffe." She whispered it like it was top secrete and giggled.

"Let's just go to class." I said grabbing my bag and started walking cat quickly getting up trailing behind me.

When we got to class both seats next to Beck were taken, by to unnatural blondes giggling and turning their hair in their fingers. I was so tempted to walk over their and slap them but I took a deep breath and me and cat took the last seats. their was a alright boy next to me he was hot but not modest like Beck he knew he was hot and that made him ugly.

"Hey, your new and hot how about a date with this." he grinned slowly motioning his hand towards him, I looked over his shoulder towards Beck who looked annoyed at the situation.

"Oi, Ryder she mine get lost" Beck face was no where near calm he was mad his fist were clenched.

"Okay Beck whatever have her!" Ryder got up and moves Beck lips gently grazed mine he was marking his territory. Every girl in the class was mad but it was official Beck is mine.

How Bade Began!!!!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant