Mine forever

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Gasps filled the air around us, I looked slightly in shock I wasn't sure if I should let him kiss me like that. As he gently released my lips from his I slapped the side of his face.

"BECK, don't you ever do that again." I stormed out the room, cat trailed behind me.

"JADEY, why did Beck kiss you?" She starred at me confused, her little eyes widened waiting for a response.

"Why don't we go shopping? Are go tell the nurse you are ill and that I shall take you home ok." Once I had convinced the nurse which took about to seconds as she was dealing with a guy who had got his puppet stuck on his hand.

"Oooooo Jade can we buy candy I need to restock. And they have sour patch kids I think their like you sour and sweet."

"I'm not sweet. And sure but you need to buy me something." She skipped in the shop.

My phone wouldn't stop Beck was flooding it with voice calls and texts.

I pressed play.

"Hey jade, where are you I need to talk to you, umm I love you and I got jealous ok."

I refused to reply sometimes I wish I didn't need to be so stubborn.

" Beck meeting us and I got you candy." Cats eye sparkled with the excitement of sugar, wait had she just said Becks coming.

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