Mini Q&A

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Here are some questions from the beautiful @Ranty_Lemon :

Are you religious?

Yes I am. I am Christian.

LGBT+ community?

Idk what this means but I'm going to assume you're asking about what I think/what it is.

LGBT stands for Lesbian Gay Bisexual (me!) and Transgender. The + means things like Pansexual, Binary Fluid, Asexual, Aromantic, things like that.

My views are this: ANYONE can love who they love, bang who they wanna bang, or be whatever gender suits them or none at all. You are you and your love or your body does not define who you are.


A little bit about me:

Favorite color?


Any pets?

Yes, a cat (my profile pic) and a dog. The dog's name is Callen and my cat's name is Sunset.

What gender?


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