Ice Skating Convos

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Whenever I tell someone I skate, they always reply with one of these options:

Them: Oh you skate? Like roller skate?

Me: no. I ice skate.

Them: I thought that was only a one time, birthday thing.

Me: I thought cake was only a birthday thing but I eat it whenever tf I want


Me: oh yeah, I play three sports. Volleyball, soccer, and ice skating.

Them: ice skating is a sport?!

Me: yes...


Them: Ice skating is just twirling and sticking your leg up in the air.

Me: you see this bruise? *shows bruises* and that one? And that one?!

Them: yeah?

Me: that's from attempting a double axel triple loop combination. I skate five days a week and skate for three hours each day. My diet is based around getting the right nutrients for skating. So shut up. [btw I can NOT do this jump]


Them: Oh I ice skate!

Me: *excited to meet someone like me* oh really?!?!

Them: yeah but I quit because I hurt my leg/arm/butt.



All of these happen way too often 😫
But I stick through it!

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