New Book?!?!

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I'm writing a book called The Tabi Cat.

It's about a bisexual girl trying to find love, or something, I guess. I'm bad at summaries.

Here's the blurb:

I fell asleep in between her knees with my head resting comfortably on her stomach, her hands stroking my hair and whispering, "Goodnight my Tabi cat. Yes, baby, my Tabi cat."


There is one thing in this world that everyone craves. More than food when you're starving in the streets, more than water when you're dehydrated in the desert.

We all crave love.

And who is to say that I-or anyone-can't go for it? No matter what the cost or who we love?

So on a scale from 1-10, 1 being booooring and 10 being YAYYYY!!!, how excited are you for this book?

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