Chapter 1: The Letter

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Aelin was laying on a blanket basking in the sun on the grounds outside of the half demolished castle of Orynth. The gardens were overrun and wild and that was why they were one of Aelin's favorite spots. She had convinced the members of her court to hold their meetings outside, though honestly it didn't take much convincing. Lysandra had sided with her and Rowan and Aedion didn't stand a chance. Aelin smiled as she closed the book she had been reading, it was the last of the few books Dorian had given her to read. She looked around at her court, her friends, Aedion and Rowan were in a heated conversation a few feet away about ensuring security or something, and Lysandra was picking roses. Occasionally Lysandra would chime in her opinion, mostly siding with Rowan and making Aedion furious. Aelin laughed to her self and closed her eyes feeling the warmth of the sun on her cheek and the sounds of the Bane training in the distance. Her smile quickly faded as she was reminded of the need for more soldiers. If they had any chance at defeating the Valg and Erawan she was going to need thousands more. She didn't want to think about that now though, and walked over to join Lysandra in picking roses.

Mid-stride Aelin stopped as her fae ears caught a strange booming sound carried on the wind. From the abrupt end to the arguing going on she could tell that Rowan and Aedion heard it too. Lysandra's head jerked up, "what's wrong?"

"I don't know", Aedion answered, "Rowan?" Aedion turned to the fae warrior with questioning eyes.

Rowan shook his head, "I've never heard it before" he responded.

Aelin felt a chill go down her spine, as her magic inside sparked. She closed the distance between her and Rowan and he placed his arm around her shoulder and kissed the top of her head. Don't worry I'm sure it's nothing he seemed to say. She didn't feel any better though, her magic was screaming at her telling her something was wrong, very wrong. It was then that she spotted them in the sky. Two black dots far off in the distance. She grabbed Rowan's hand and pointed. Rowan's face showed confusion, but she knew who it was. The witch called Manon.

Rowan beside her startled and shouted at Aedion to sound the alarm. "No!" Aelin reached out to stop Aedion from moving, "I don't think she means to attack us, there are only two of them."

"Aelin" Aedion protested his hand going to grab the hilt of his sword, Rowan glared at her. Have you forgotten that she almost killed both of us? Aelin had not forgotten, but it was too late to call for the Bane now the Wyrvens were making their decent to land only a few hundred feet away. Beside her Lysandra had changed into a Ghost Leopard haunched into an attacking stance and growling.

"Witch Killer!" the silver haired witch called out across the field as she dismounted her ride. She stood leaning against the beast her red cape blowing in the wind, waiting.

Aelin turned around to face her court, shaking off Rowan's arm. "I'm going to see what she wants, and you will stay here" Knowing that both Rowan and Aedion would protest she shot her hands up to silence them before they could speak. Without waiting for affirmation she turned on her heel and stalked across the field to come face to face with the wing leader, Manon.

The other witch who Aelin recognized as the golden haired witch who had screamed out her friends name that day, stayed atop her ride glaring at Aelin. No doubt not forgiving Aelin for almost killing Manon. Aelin smiled showing the witch her fangs, the witch in return raised a hand of iron nails to pick at her iron teeth. Aelin was suddenly aware of how exposed she was, even with her magic the pair of witches could easily find a way to kill her. Aelin cursed at herself and turned her attention to the wing leader. Aelin could tell she was trying her best to appear bored as she leaned against her beast, but Aelin who was trained to read people could see the hint of desperation in her eyes. She was tightly gripping a piece of paper in her right hand, and Aelin felt her magic reaching for it.

It was Manon who spoke first breaking the tense silence between them. "Here" she extended her right arm offering the paper to Aelin. "I'm to stay until you make your decision".

Aelin raised an eyebrow at the witch as she took the letter marked with the seal of Adarlan from the witches hand. It was then that she noticed her hands were shaking. She ignored it as she tore open the letter.

Scribbled in rushed handwriting that she knew so well were just three words:


And she knew she would go.  

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