Chapter 11: Just a dream

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Dorian sighed grabbing a random book from his desk as he sunk into an arm chair by the fire. His muscles finally having a chance to relax. He glanced at the title, when was the last time he had read? Opening the book he stared at the words written on the page, but his mind was too tired to process them. The past week had been horrible. After receiving Manon's letter saying that Perrington planned to make his move within the next few months. He had spent every day negotiating with ambassadors to convince Melisande, Fenharrow, and Eyllwe to join forces with Adarlan and Terrasen against the impending threat of the Valg. It had not been an easy feat but having forged and signed an endless amount of treaties he now had the support of all Erilea.

Any free time had been spent training with Rowan and Aelin into the late hours of the night. Today though Rowan was escorting Ansel to town, so Dorian had a few hours to himself. Aelin was busy pulling together alliances of her own like the Silent Assassins who were only a few days away from Adarlan. It's a good thing Chaol hadn't been here for that council meeting, he could only imagine what he would have thought about 200 plus trained assassins entering the streets of Rifthold. However, Aelin had eventually convinced the majority of voters that the Silent Assassins would be valuable allies during the war, stating that they too had a right to fight for their home. He looked at the clock on the mantle, she should be training with Aedion now. Dorian closed his eyes, he was just resting. No harm in resting his eyes for a few minutes before Aelin expected him downstairs for weapons training. This week he was learning daggers. His mind wondered between ambassadors, Aelin and daggers as he drifted off to sleep.

He was walking through a thick mist. The only sound his footsteps sloshing in the mud. Thunder sounded in the distance and it started to rain. He wrapped his cloak closer around his body, cursing as the cold wind pierced through to his bones. Ahead a torch burned in the distance. He walked towards it. As he approached he could make out a figure standing underneath it. Dorian squinted, his feet coming to a stop. It was his father standing with his arms out in an embrace as he said, "My boy". Dorian took a step backwards. "I'm not your son, I'm not like you." His father laughed, morphing into Duke Perington his golden eyes piercing his soul. He couldn't look at him he turned away. "I'll take everything away from you Gavin, your kingdom, your friends, and your mate. They will be mine." Perington lunged forward, grasping his shoulders. Dorian lifted his head the golden eyes only inches from his. So close that Dorian could see a reflection in them, but it was not himself that he saw, but Aelin covered in blood.

Dorian sat straight up in the chair the book in his lap thumping to the floor. His breathing was ragged, his palms sweaty. Leaning forward he placed his head in his hands, concentrating on breathing. His hands rubbing at the back of his neck. He stayed like that for a few minutes before standing to walk over to the water basin, bending to splash water in his face. Drying his face with a towel he looked at the clock on the mantel again. Groaning he threw the towel on the floor, as he walked down the the stairs towards the stables. He was late for training with Aelin.

Aelin saw him approaching and ran over to greet him. Giving her a half smile, he mumbled sorry for being late. Aelin's smile faded as she stared at him. "What's wrong?" "Nothing" He flashed her a smile nudging her with his shoulder, "Come on teacher lets get started." She narrowed her eyes at him, not moving. Dorian sighed through his nose, he hadn't fooled her at all. "Dorian, What is it?" He shook his head. "Aelin, really it's nothing, okay?" "Don't tell me it's nothing, again I can tell that something is bothering you." she snapped at him in a hushed voice. Dorian glared at her walking past her towards the weapons rack grabbing the throwing daggers he started hurling them at the target.

(Aelin POV)

Aelin rolled over to look at Dorian who was sleeping beside her. His eyes scrunched together, creating wrinkles on his brow. She reached out stroking his face. The touch must have startled him because his eyes flashed open, seeing her he relaxed a little. Moving her hand to play with his hair, Aelin looked into his eyes. "Do you want to talk about what's bothering you now?" He grabbed her hand bringing it to his mouth, his lips brushing against the back of her hand. Her magic sparked the air between them filled with palpable electricity. Dorian flipped her hand over kissing her palm, as he moved up her arm. Aelin groaned as she wrapped her legs around his body straddling him. Pulling her hand out of his grasp she bent to raise his shirt over his head, leaving a trail of kisses on his body as she went, until her lips found his mouth. She bit his bottom lip, angling her mouth towards his ear she breathed, "Nice try, your Majesty. Now start talking."

Dorian sighed. Smiling she pulled back so that she could see his face, she had won. Dorian cleared his throat, his hand stroking her hair. "I had a dream. This one was different." Aelin's eyes widened, Dorian's nightmares were always the same more or less. She nodded for him to continue. He told her about his father and how he transformed into Perrington, how he had called him Gavin, but Aelin knew he was leaving something out. Deciding not to push it further Aelin let it go. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Aelin spoke "What do you think it means?" "It doesn't mean anything" Dorian snapped. His grip tightening on her hair. "It's not real, it was a dream." He said it like he was trying to convince himself of that fact. Aelin kissed his forehead. "You're right, it was just a dream."

Dorian pulled on her hair, causing her head to angle backwards exposing her neck. She felt the coolness of his lips against her skin. He kissed her with a sense of urgency, like he was making up for lost time. Aelin pulled back to stare at him, trying to understand the change in him. Dorian took the opportunity to flip her so that she was pinned beneath him. She growled at him, watching as the King's face lit up. "Going to put up a fight tonight, Majesty?" Fire formed in Aelin's hand as she purred, "It's more fun that way." Dorian's eyes gleamed with mischief as he whispered. "Ress might hear." "That's the point." 

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