Chapter 2: The Journey

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The wind whipped through Aelin's short golden hair as she gripped tighter to the beast called Abraxos with her legs. The beast snorted at her and dove downward just enough for a scream to escape Aelin's lips and her hands to grip around the waist of the beast's rider. Manon in front of her cursed and kicked Abraxos telling him to stop playing around. Once they were level again and Aelin no longer feared falling she released her hold of Manon and grabbed the back of the saddle.

She couldn't believe she was doing this. What was a witch doing playing messenger anyways? Though she supposed it was the fastest way to get word to her. She looked down at the ground at least a thousand feet below, a terrible idea as she suddenly felt dizzy and nauseous. She instead turned her attention to her right where Lysandra and the witch who's name was Astrin were riding on a beast much bigger than Abraxos. Her friend looked happy, smiling as the wind blew her dark hair behind her. Astrin must have said something funny because suddenly Lysandra doubled over laughing. Aelin still felt nauseous, so she closed her eyes. She had always envied Rowan and Lysandra's ability to fly, but not anymore. She hated it, and wouldn't be thousands of feet in the air if it wasn't necessary.

After receiving the letter from Dorian, Aelin had informed her court that she would be leaving for Rifthold as soon as she could get ready. At first both Rowan and Aedion were completely against her leaving. Then when they realized she would not be convinced to stay, they had demanded that they come with her. After much arguing Aelin had finally convinced Rowan and Aedion to stay behind. She needed more soldiers, and time was slipping away. Aelin needed Rowan and Aedion to deliver a message to the Queen of Briarcliff in the Western Wastes. The trip alone would take weeks, and she stressed the importance of the need for the alliance of their forces. For the Queen had a well trained army of hundreds at her disposal, and she owed Aelin a life debt. So reluctantly Rowan and Aedion had set off on their quest to find the red headed Queen, and Lysandra accompanied her to Rifthold.

Aelin had not told anyone what was written in the letter, partly because she didn't want to think about what it could mean. If anything had happened to Dorian or Chaol she knew she would never forgive her self.

A roar from Abraxos startled Aelin from her thoughts, she snapped her eyes open the wind burning them as she looked for what could have provoked the beast. Manon turned her head to look at her, "He doesn't like to fly at night", she said "he is just complaining".

"Where are we?" Aelin asked scanning the ground below for anything familiar, but it all looked the same. Miles and miles of nothing but trees.

"About halfway" came the response from the front. Only halfway! Aelin sighed her muscles were so sore and tense, she knew from the position of the setting sun that they had already been riding for at least 10 hours already. Manon seemed to fly with a sense of urgency, ignoring Abraxos' pleas to stop urging him onward. So Aelin kept her mouth shut about being tired and sore and leaned her head against the back of her enemy shielding her head from the wind, she closed her eyes and said a silent prayer to Mala that Dorian was still alive.

She must have slept for hours because her muscles groaned with pain when she awoke to Manon shaking her leg. Aelin opened her eyes and sighed with relief when she spotted the lights of the city of Rifthold glistening in the distance lighting up the darkness of the night. But her heart remained heavy with apprehension. What nightmare would be waiting for her there.

***Sorry this Chapter is so short! Dorian will be making his appearance soon!*** 

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