The Plan (Bonus Chapter)

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***Because I had already written this, and it doesn't need to be wasted***

(Chaol POV)

Through the darkness, Chaol could barley make out the mountains of Morath looming in the distance. His grip tightened around the reins of his horse, his hands sweating. There were few things that made the prior Captain of the Royal Guard, now Advisor to the King nervous, but right now they were all happening at once. Everyone he cared for, those he loved would be in danger today and he couldn't protect all of them. Most of all he couldn't protect Dorian, but Aelin had promised him. Shaking his head Chaol glanced to his left where Nesryn, Aedion and Ansel rode, a hawk flew high above them, and then to his right where generals from Erilea and all over the known world rode. Behind them the echo of thousands of soldiers marching filled his ears. Chaol turned his attention to the front where the Queen of Terresan look alike rode on her horse. Only Chaol, Rowan and Aedion knew the truth. Though he had to admit that Lysandra was playing the part of Aelin pretty well, perhaps too well.

(Aelin POV)

Black blood sprayed across Aelin's face as she gutted the Valg soldier in front of her. Yanking the sword out of its body she swung severing its head. It hadn't been as quiet as she would have liked but having used all of her daggers she hadn't had much choice. She leaned against the stone wall keeping her head down letting her black cloak allow her to blend into the shadows as she listened. She felt movement behind her. Tightening her hand on the sword she spun and sighing as her muscles relaxed when she spotted Dorian. He had retrieved her daggers from the dead, and handed them back to her.

"Well?" He just shook his head. "The other paths are too heavily guarded, we will have to find a place to lay low until Manon makes her move." Aelin nodded it was all too risky.

The original plan was that they would make their way to the witches tower, but that was now impossible. There was much more activity at 3 o'clock in the morning that she had anticipated, and she couldn't help but thinking it wasn't coincidental. Aelin had an extremely hard time trusting the wing leader, heir of the Blackbeak witches, especially after what she did to Rowan. However, Dorian trusted her immensely. Sighing she scanned the dark passages around them. There was a door to their left with no lights leaking out of it. Dorian followed her gaze and nodded. They slipped inside. Aelin allowed a flicker of light, the room appeared empty. Dorian walked the perimeter of the room as she sat leaning against the door. When he was satisfied that they were alone, he came and sat next to her.

Aelin leaned against him the scent of leather and cinnamon mixed with sweat filled her nose, his smell. Dorian wrapped his arms around her and she tried to push away the thoughts that this could be the last time he holds her, but couldn't. She let herself cry, turning to bury her head into his chest as the terrible sounds of Morath filled her ears. Dorian held her tighter and kissed the top of her head. They sat embracing in silence, waiting.

This plan had to work, the fate of the world depended on it. It was a good plan Aelin reminded herself. No a great plan! Dorian had come up with it, claiming that it had come to him in a vision from Gavin.

Right now outside the walls of Morath the combined forces of the armies of Erilea were marching and would be visible in the distance come sunrise. The plan was to take Perrington by surprise. Manon and the other covens that had sided with her were going to attack as soon as the armies were spotted, creating a distraction long enough for Dorian and her to find Perrington. The only hope that they had of defeating him was the combination of their raw magic and wrdkeys. Aelin sighed as she felt the heaviness of the amulet of Orynth around her neck. Dorian had the other wyrdkey Elide had delivered in his pocket and Aelin guessed that Perrington or Erawan had at least one.

Sighing she shuffled in Dorian's arms so that her head could lean against his shoulder. She could feel the tension in his arms. He was ready. A sound pierced through the silence, a roar. A battle cry Aelin realized as thousands others echoed. It shook the walls. The Wyrvns.! It was time. She lept up turning to face Dorian, he squeezed her hand as he opened the door. 

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