Chapter 10: Meeting

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They walked in silence, the only sound their boots striking against the stone floor. Dorian had tried multiple times to start a conversation. He had brought up the meeting with Ansel in the afternoon, Manon's letter, even books, but Aelin had just continued to stare straight ahead. Giving up he sighed placing his hands in his pockets as he followed her. People scrambled to get out of their way, stopping to gape at them as they passed. Dorian could only imagine what they were thinking. Here was their King calmly walking down the hall, his shirt torn and covered in blood. A smile formed on his lips. If Chaol was here, he would be yelling at him right now. He missed Chaol, it had been months since he had heard any word from him.

As they neared the stairs to his tower he could make out Ress talking with the guards posted at the bottom of the stairs. Hearing them approach Ress turned to face them taking in Dorian's appearance. "What the hell did you do!" he demanded glaring at Aelin. She didn't answer, instead she grabbed Dorian's arm and shoved him forward towards the stairs. Ress raised his eyebrows stepping in-between Dorian and Aelin. She gave him a look that could have set his soul on fire. Gods she was pissed. Dorian placed a hand on Ress' shoulder as he said, "I'm fine, a training mishap. No harm done. We're just going to go clean up before our meeting." He grabbed Aelin with his other arm pulling her up the stairs away from Ress before she killed him.

Dorian opened the door to the tower, Aelin walked past him stopping just a few feet inside. He closed the door sighing ready for the yelling that was destined to happen. But the room remained silent. Aelin hadn't moved she was still standing with her back towards him her arms wrapped around her body. Dorian ran his fingers through his hair, where did he start?

"Aelin..." She didn't move. "Aelin I'm sorry." Nothing. He moved closer to her wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. She didn't flinch. Grabbing her hips he spun her forcing her to face him, but she wouldn't look him in the eyes. "Aelin please say something." She closed her eyes as she exhaled through her nose. "I could feel it." Her eyes shot open, a tear rolled down her cheek. His hand caressed her face his thumb wiping away her tear. His brows scrunched together, he didn't understand. Her hand brushed against his shoulder circling his wound. "This.. I could feel this. I could feel all of it." Dorian grabbed her hand, his eyes wide. "The bond?" They hadn't talked about it, he had just assumed. He had heard the legends of the mate bond. Gavin and Elena had been mates, and Gavin was one of his favorite heroes as a child.

After last night Dorian had felt closer to her in a way he couldn't explain. He was always drawn to her like the air surrounding her had an electric charge pulling him closer. Aelin's turquoise eyes were staring at him. "That's it isn't it? The mate bond?" She nodded, biting her lip. "It was terrible Dorian... I can't handle feeling your pain... it broke me." Finally understanding why she was so upset Dorian held her close.

"I'm fine." he whispered in her ear. He was more than fine, he had been able to shape his magic into something other than ice for the first time. The thought made him smile. Aelin glared at him, "Don't put me through that again!" Still smiling he kissed the top of her head. "I shall try my best to avoid injuring myself solely for your sake. In the meantime how might I make it up to you. Let's see... cake.... chocolates.... shopping?"

Aelin smiled as she leaned forward brushing her lips against his. "I'm sure that you'll think of something." Pulling out of his embrace she unbuttoned her shirt tossing it in his face as she stalked off towards the bathing room.

(Aelin POV)

Late, they were so late! Beside her Dorian was trying to make himself look presentable as they ran through the servants halls towards the council room. The meeting was supposed to start twenty minutes ago. They had left early, deciding to take a little detour to the library. However, they had ended up in a dark secluded corner of the library. Aelin smiled as Dorian cursed colorfully beside her, as he finished buttoning his shirt tucking it into his pants. They came to a screeching halt as they reached the end of the servants hall. Opening the door into the main hallway of the stone castle, Aelin stepped out first glancing around she waved Dorian forward. His hair was still a mess. Aelin smiled as she gestured for him to fix it. More curses escaped from his lips as he ran his fingers through his hair trying to tame it. Aelin was busy trying to do something with her own hair, she didn't have time to re-braid it, so she left it down.

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