I dont know anymore

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Pen up. Pen down.
Take a deep breath
Think, what should I write now?
There's a million things going through my head now.
But what is consistent?
It's been a month and I'm still waiting.
It's been a month and my heart can't take it
I don't want to cry no more
I don't want to stay up and wonder how to be okay
Because when you came into my life, oh god, you were the beautiful light I so needed.
Now I'm wondering if I'll be okay without you and I don't remember what it's like to be okay without you because I'm only happy with you and I don't want to lose you
I use to write poems to vent but I haven't needed to in a long time
Why? Cause I have you
But you're shutting me out and goddamn it's hurting and I don't know what to do, say or think or how to feel.
I don't know anything. See this was meant to be a poem but as you can see I'm just a mess.

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