Excuse me?

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Readers P.O.V *3 days later*

You had woken up extra early today. It was 7:30 AM and you flashed out of your bed. Which was really surprising for you. If the chance came along, you'd sleep in all day. You got ready for the day and set up a nice breakfast for yourself. As you sat down eating your eggs you thought of Dan. He hadn't called. Maybe he didn't want to be too pushy about it. You brushed it off. It was only Friday. You could only hope he'd plan something for the weekend.

You walked to work and took the normal route. Arriving before shift started. Opening the door you immediately saw Angie. She looked over from the counter and smiled.

"On time as always," she smartly remarked with a brow raised.

"Ha ha ha, Nothing wrong with punctuality." You replied.

Time went by quickly. The job always kept you busy. Eventually it was 2PM and you were ready to leave. You looked at your phone with disappointment. No messages or calls.

"That's kinda sad," you mumbled. "Bye Angie. Shifts over!" You yelled walking out.

You unlocked your apartment door and sat down on the couch opening up your laptop. When is he going to call? You typed up youtube and began watching Dan's "Internet Support Group" videos.

Dan's P.O.V

"YOU HAVEN'T CALLED HER?" Phil yelled throwing a pillow across the room.

"In my defense, I'm not very...sociable. Talking to her in the first place was a miracle." I said laying down on his bed.

"You realize you have a limited time to be with her. We don't live in the states." Phil said sitting on the lounge chair.

"Why should I raise my hopes up then? If I'm not going to even be around her always." I replied disappointed.

"It's our vacation. Enjoy it,"

Phil stood up and sighed.
"Then there's one last thing to say. Call her, or I will," He winked.

"Excuse me?," I said confused.
I looked up in shock staring intensely. He must be joking.

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