What next?

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It was the morning after your small date with Dan and...well...Phil included. You were so excited that things had went so well, you almost forgot how awkward how the night ended.

*Readers P.O.V*

   You were lying down in your bed hugging your pillow, waking up to the small sunlight peaking through your bedroom window. You turned over and grabbed your phone on the nightstand.

9 A.M

A smile began to take over your face. You had just spent the day with Dan and Phil. Your favorite youtubers of all time! The people you would watch when you felt down or felt alone. Because despite them being thousands of miles away, you felt comfort. You felt so lucky to have been at work that day to meet them.  After all the wonderful thoughts, you remembered how the night ended.

    "WASN'T HE SUPPOSED TO KISS ME LAST NIGHT!?" You yelled as you shot up with bed hair.

   You started up your morning getting ready for work and getting ready to tell Angie everything.

[Later that day at work]

   "HE DIDNT KISS YOU!?" Angie blurted out without shame.

   "SHHHH. You don't have to make it public," You said embarrased of your bestfriend.

   "Okay but from what you're saying. THAT was the moment he should've kissed you! " She hissed.

   " I know. I thought for sure he would've.  Maybe he's just not that into me Angie," you groaned.

*Dan's P.O.V*

   I should have kissed her. I should have kissed her. I should hav-

   " You should really ask her on a real date. You know, one that doesn't involve me running around the park and you guys awkwardly talking to each other. Well I guess just the me running around," Phil laughed as he interrupted Dan's thoughts.

   " You're right. I heard there's a wonderful aquarium nearby. Maybe I'll take her there and then dinner! Only problem is...she probably hates me for not kissing her," Dan cried.

   " I doubt that Daniel. Give it another shot. Be ROMANTIC!" Phil said as walked to Dan. "Flowers, Chocolates, being a gentlemen. Simple stuff,"

   Yeah...simple. Dan pulled out his phone and searched for your name. " Y/N 🌹 " He quickly typed out how he wanted to go on another date that involved just the two of you. So basically an actual date.
   "This can't possibly go wrong right?" Dan asked. Then you replied "I'd love to! <3 " And in that moment, Dan felt nothing could go wrong.

[Later that night at the aquarium]

*Dan's P.O.V*

Everything is going perfect. She looks so beautiful running around smiling at every exhibit there is. Her beautiful H/C hair bounces with every step she takes. How did I ever get to meet someone like her?

The night had continued with you two running around the aquarium and enjoying each others company. You guys had talked all night getting to know eachother more and more. Both of you were exhausted from walking around and were completly stuffed from the wonderful food at the restaraunt you guys ate at. You both decided to jump into the ferris wheel to get a beautiful view of New york.

    "Wow...I've never seen New York from here," Y/N gasped with her eyes glistening in the moon light. You guys sat together in the same seat with one  arm around her and the other lightly holding your hand. You both were having such an amazing time and it all felt so unreal.

    " Y/N. I don't think this night couldn't have gotten any better. I've learned so much about you in one day. I can't imagine how much more there is to learn about you." He confessed as his head turned to you.
" I never imagined in a million years I would've clicked with someone so well. Which is why I got you this," Dan pulled out of his pocket and small necklace with a gold starfish on it.
    You gasped as this was the necklace you had been eyeing the whole time at the giftshop.

    "It's just so you can remember this night," He said with a big smile.

    " I love it Dan. I can't believe you'd get me this," you said with sincerity.

   He gestured for you to turn around so he could put the necklace in. Of course you complied and allowed him. After, you looked at him and smiled. Both of you stared at each other deeply looking into one and another's eyes. Time had felt like it froze. Maybe it was the city lights or the moon shining so bright. But it was like you were in a movie. Your heads moved slowly closer and closer until your noses touched. A small sensation went through both of your bodies like butterflies in your stomach but 10x more. You both could feel each other's breathe and instantly, you both smiled. Then came the kiss that hit you both like a tidal wave.

Nothing could have been better than that night. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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