The Park

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*Readers PO.V*

   You were so excited you shot up off the couch and started getting dressed. You ran the to the bathroom and looked at your self in the mirror.
   "Geez. Eye bags are not looking good on me right now," You said to yourself. *DING* . You looked down at your phone and saw a message from Dan.

Dan :) - Forgive me but I neglected to tell you the time to meet up ): Me and Phil have come to a decision that 5PM would be nice.
P.s He believes the ducks will be more active then since it's the afternoon lol. See ya!

   You laughed at Phil's philosophy and texted an 'okay' back. Since it was about 1:40. That was enough time to take a quick shower and put on some light make up. After about an hour you were ready. "3:15," you whispered to yourself. "That's enough time to scroll lifelessly on tumblr and snack," You hopped on your computer and did exactly that until it was time to go.

*Dan's P.O.V*

   "WHAT DO I WEAR??," I shouted as I threw clothes everywhere. Phil sped walk to Dans' room and peeped through the door. "There's nothing that looks GOOD. I mean, what could be her standards?" I questioned. "I highly doubt she's going to judge you. She must have some sort of interest if she's been talking to you." Phil said then walking in and sitting on the bed. I thought about it for a moment. He was right. If she didn't like me she wouldn't even have let me get her number.
   "You're right. I just don't know what to wear," I sighed and fell onto the bed next to Phil.
   *Readers P.O.V*
   It was already 5 and you were sitting on the park benching facing a pond. Exactly where they said to meet up. You layed your head back and smiled. You were completely excited.
   "I can't believe I'm gonna spend the evening with Dan and Phil!" You thought. Though the world was upside because of how you layed your  head. You saw two slim tall figures. One dressed a lot more darker than the other. "Must be Dan,'' you chuckled and stood up and turned to looked at the guys. You all greeted eachother and sat down on the bench.
   "Wow, the view is beautiful," Phil said as we all had a perfect view of the park and what it had to offer. Phil sat next to Dan and you sat to the right of him. You were kinda glad you guys sat this way. There probably wouldn't be any awkward silences.
   You guys talked on endlessly until Phil looked over and saw a whole family of ducks. "Sorry guys, but I'm  gonna have to take this one in a lifetime opportunity," Phil said as he slowly walked to the ducks. Me and Dan both laughed and smiled as Phil was able to feed the momma duck bread. This caused the whole family to surround him and he was smiling with joy.
   "He made sure to bring bread because he knew he'd be in this sort of situation," Dan said smiling towards Phil. You laughed a little and began to talk to Dan. 'He's so adorable. I love how his dimples show, especially when he's smiling hard. Or his laugh. He's so perfect!' You thought as Dan was talking.
*Dan's P.O.V*
   'She's so damn beautiful. Especially her E/C eyes. They just resonated amazingly. And her voice was so sweet and adorable. Phil then walked up to us and smiled. "I see you two are getting along well," He said. You both blushed and smiled. I stood up and looked around. "Well I'll be right back. I'm gonna find a restroom," He said and smirked at Phil. "Don't steal her from me," I whispered so only he could hear.

*Phil's P.O.V*
   Of course I wouldn't steal her from him. I mean, she is REALLY attractive. But I wouldn't go as far as hurting Dan. I sat next to her and smiled. "So you like Dan yeah?" I asked bluntly. She looked flustered and sat up more straight. "I-I do. But I don't want to make things go fast. I want to know more about him. And spend time with him," she responed. That was a good answer. I couldn't stand a girl just trying to get it in with him and move so quickly. "That's good. Well look, give me your number. If you're gonna date my bestfriend, I don't want you to be a stranger am I right?" I smiled. It made sense to you do you nodded and put your number into his cell phone. "He's a great guy. Honest. Be patient with him. He can be insecure about himself sometimes," Phil said putting his phone away. That was odd to you. How could someone so handsome and wonderful be insecure?
   Dan walked back and you both stood up. "Let's go out and eat dinner," I proposed. They both agreed and we went out to have pizza. You all laughed and enjoyed the time spent together. Nothing was awkward. Everyone came to be comfortable with eachother.
   By the time it was 9, you guys had tooken a cab to your place. Phil waited in the cab so Dan could walk you to your apartment.

*Dan's P.O.V*

   I walked her up to her apartment. We stopped outside her door. She unlocked it but left it closed. She turned towards me and smiled. "I had a really great time. You guys are so fun" she smiled. Thank God she said that. I was scared she would think I was weird or boring. "That's great. I'm glad. I hope I wasn't too awkward or anything. I'm not the most sociable," I said embarrassed. "I can related," she chuckled. Why'd she have to be so cute?
   You guys were just close enough to kiss. She was much smaller than  me, but I guess that adds to how much more cute she is. I looked down at her and she looked up. This was too perfect. I could kiss her right now. Why can't I? There was complete silence between us. Does she want me to?? Isn't it too soon?? Dan over thought everything and took a step back. "Well it was fun. Have a good night," I said awkwardly. "Y-yeah I will." She said. Her eyes looked around and she gave me a hug. "Let's do this again!" She said muffled into my shirt. I smiled and hugged back. "Of course!" I replied. You both said your goodnights and parted.
   As you stepped into the cab Phil was read to hear about it. "DID YOU KISS HER?" He said excitedly. "Well. No," I replied. Phil looked at Dan and smiled. "Did you get all awkward and try to leave?" He said. "You know me too well," I responded. By the time we got to the hotel, I got to my room and fell into my bed. It could've gone a lot worse...right?

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