Chapter One:

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Time zones do not mean extra sleep but dealing with a certain someone calls for it


"Oh my god! I am so sorry!" I exclaimed and sat up frantically.
"No, no, no. It's alright, I wasn't looking where I was going." The stranger's english was fluid and foreign, "Are you alright?"
"Yes, of course! Are you?!"
"Why wouldn't I be?"He stood and dusted himself off. "You need a hand?" He questioned.
"No," I refused and stood up. " but, thank you for the offer, though."
       "No problem."Checking his watch and seemed quite distressed."Sorry, I've got to go now, I'm going to be late. Au revoir." As he walked away I pondered, "Late he says? He walked ."
"And oh my god was that SO stiff and awkward," I mumbled under my breath. But he was prett-ty~ Oh my god, no. I can not hit on guys when I just moved here. Or can I? First things first school....9:05 right?
And as luck has it, I had three minutes to arrive. I dug out my phone and swiped to the map. Okay, so there's a wall connecting from the gate out front. I grasped a nearby tree branch and pulled my body up, twisting to flop my body across the ledge. I swiftly grabbed my book bag and skedaddled furiously towards the school doors. Mission accomplished.

"You're late"

Oh shit, my clock is wrong. Time zones do not mean extra sleep. I softly bowed my head to the teacher.
"I'm sorry. Can you please point me in the direction of the front office."
A stern glare was tossed my way, "Follow me."
Glancing up, I saw a student sneaking their way into a classroom. I then proceeded to hear a loud smack, "BAKAITO" Several exclaims and cheers rung throughout.
"Is that normal?"
"Unfortunately, yes."
"Oka-y then."Normally when someone is yelling they're admonished immediately, so chances are the student is insufferable and annoying. Ha just like my personality. Jk, I'm perfe~ct.

As I snapped back into reality, I was told to head to my homeroom and explain to them who I was.

Hello, my name is Kudo Takara... or should it be Takara Kudo....I'll make it easy on them, Kudo Takara.

I gently knocked on the door and slowly opened it. I approached the teacher waiting for their attention.
After the whole class started murmuring, she turned towards me.
"Oh, you're the new student!"
"Yes ma'am, I apologize for being late."
" No worries!" she then spoke under her breath, "I'm thankful for any reason to get those two to quiet down", "But anyways introduce yourself to the class!!"

"Hello, my name is Kudo Takara. It's lovely to meet you all" I shone the warmest smile I could and made a small bow. Was that okay??? As I waited nervously, the teacher spoke up and showed me my seat.
"Thank you, ma'am." I sauntered over and sat down.

(During Lunch)

"You're a Kudo?!" The girl in front of my seat turned to face me. " Is Kudo Shinichi your brother?"
"Yes." Unfortunately. Doesn't everyone want to live in a house with a coffee demon?
"What's it like?" She was still very cheery and was honestly hurting my eyes on how bright she was.
"Uh. Normal I guess?"
"Oh. Well, my name is Nakamori Aoko and the guy over there is Kaito Kuroba.
"You called~" A shadow leaned across me as looked over to see where she was pointing.
"Oh, you're the guy from this morning!"
"It's my pleasure to gaze upon your beauty once again"
A smile stretched across my face. I leaned in and whispered to him, " Well that'll be a lie, darling. Since obviously, It's my pleasure to see you."
A small blush faintly graced his cheeks before disappearing. " Kaito Kuroba at your service"
Aoko glared playfully, " You can't woo her, she's my friend." My heart warmed. This is nice.
"That's not true! Look we're getting married!" He encased my hand and sure enough, there was a ring there. I laughed.
"Oh my Kaito. I'm sorry it's come to this," I grasped Aoko's hand and said, "but I'm married to Aoko."
"My-my heart, oh woe is me. Gasp and dramatic death." His body slumped with his hand still holding mine.
"Oh how poor art thou Romeo. Forevermore alone and-" Giggles interrupted my monologue, Aoko had let go of my hand and was hunched over with tears streaming down her face. " Aoko dear are you alright," I exclaimed in mirth. Kaito's head propped up with a ridiculous grin.
"For you mil ladies." Roses materialized in our hands. Actually, mine was in between Kaito's and I's hands. His hand is warm. Yup this one is good.
Our hands eventually slipped away from each other when Aoko was done giggling. My hand felt empty but the rose was still there with a small piece of paper tied around it. "I figured you'd want Aoko's and I's number. We have nothing to do later this weekend if you want to hang out. Aoko is particularly fond of cafés and the like, but I'm always ready to be in your embrace." Kaito clutched his head." Aoko what was that for!" He cried
" No bullying Kudo!"
"Bu-but I wasn't" Kaito's face looked wronged and hurt, but Aoko just stuck her tongue out at him.
"I think I'll take up your offer, sweetheart."
"Then I think I'm in heaven".

(After school)
     Kaito Kuroba's Pov

      Lost in my thoughts I sighed, 'How was I going to pull this heist off on Sunday. Nakamori hasn't spilled anything about their plans to "capture" me. Capture.
    "That's it!" I quietly exclaimed under my breath. 'I could let them think they 'captured' me or I no, no, no....stealing people is not my line of work.' I looked up from staring at the ground and realized I had made my way to my childhood friend's house, Aoko's.

Bakaito, it's fish tonight!"Aoko informed me, quite loudly I might add, leaning out from the kitchen entrance. "You're kidding me." Seeming satisfied with my answer, she proceeded to prepare dinner.
"Hey, tell me you're joking." Oh god, I could smell that vile, slimy, monstrosity, an abomination of hell. My limbs kept moving forward. Closer and closer to the foul sea-dwelling creature. Hell itself could never prepare me for the sight of it. "I think I'm going to be sick." Bile engulfed my throat then Aoko promptly shooed me out of the kitchen. "You can keep your sickness away if that how you're going to be about it, "She grimaced, " and speaking of keeping away. Leave the new girl alone. She doesn't need anybody else stressing her out."
"Aoko, how can you think that of me. Me? Bothering the new girl? Absurd." I flashed a winning smile but as always she scoffed and turned away.
I fished the keys out my pocket as cackled, "Mission accomplished. Now I have a job to do."

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