Chapter One

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Smoka waited until her housefolks has gotten up and went to bed before jumping onto the chair and onto my perch, the table. I looked around the small dark room "All quiet" I whispered, not noticing the unmoving shape of Luna, so, jumping down and bounding over to the door I stuck my beautifully curved claws in the screen door she skillfully slid it open.

"Where are you going" a voice from behind asked. Turning I noticed my housemate, Luna, for the first time.

"Out to the forest" I answered adding "Like I do every night." With that I took a tentative step onto the dark wood of the deck.

"You know it's dangerous, what about the giant wild cats? Remember the stories I told you when you were a kit?" Luna asked stopping at the doorway.

"Whatever, you worry too much. Now, are you coming or not? You promised you'd go on an adventure with me some time." Smoka answered flicking my long grey tail.

"No, this isn't right" Luna answered turning and padding into the house, her black shape dissapearing into the shadows of the room.

"Suit yourself" Smoka called bounding over to the fence and squeezing through the bottom rungs, ready for another night of exploring.

End of chapter one, should I continue, and please tell me of you find any errors I'll fix them.

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