Chapter Two

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     Smoka looked back at the house and spat "I'll show her, I'll catch a few mice and be back before dawn unscathed, I bet the wild cats aren't even real just a story to keep me in the house," I muttered with scorn in my voice.

     Looking out at the abandoned, falling down, house I saw the vast forest beyond; I quickly ran across the open space and into the cover of the trees "It smells like cat but I bet it's just more housecats or strays."

     "Whew safe again" I muttered padding deeper into the forest smelling the air for prey, upon scenting a vole I instinctively dropped down and crept forward, my tail brushed the leaves below alerting the small creature. It then dropped the nut it was nibbling and dove into it's hole "Ugh, stupid tail" I whispered looking around for more prey, still needing to prove to Luna that the forest wasn't bad.

     "Hmph...pathetic" a deep voice echoed from behind me. I quickly turned around to see a pair of bright green eyes in the shadows, but it seemed that as soon as I blinked they'd dissapeared. Padding to the place I'd seen the eyes I looked around but found nothing unusual except the lingering smell of wild garlic.

     "What was that...?" I muttered as I ran back home, catching a young mouse in the abandoned house and eating it, before continuing home. Upon reaching home I slid through the partially open door and curled up in my bed sighing. The last thing I thought about before fully falling asleep was the emerald green eyes staring at me through the trees.

I may not update daily because we'll be going on vacation to Tennessee then the beach (water pokémon here I come #PokémonGo) for a week and a half, and when I do update it'll probably be at night. Guess it all depends on what we're doing.

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