Chapter Three

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I woke to the sound of pounding paw steps "Dog" I muttered blinking my eyes open and hissing. A few inches from my face was Samantha, the large annoying golden retriever, her hot breath burning my face. "Ugh" I hissed. Running off, faster than the dog.

"You slept in later than usual, did something happen last night" Luna asked from where she was laying in the windowsill, her tail drooping down and flicking, the smallest dog, a chihuahua, attacking it and missing.

"Nope, just out having fun, their's nothing bad out there" Smoka answered jumping up beside Luna "Please come out with me tonight, your kits have grown and gone and I'm living proof nothing will hurt us. Their's no excuse to why you can't come with me." I begged looking at her with round eyes.

"I'll come just tonight" Luna answered sighing "Never again unless I want too, though. Now, let's go eat before I start regretting this." Luna muttered thinking Why can't she learn, the forest is dangerous I'm just worried about her... Jumping down she led the way to the food bowls and started to eat.

"Thanks Luna" Smoka meowed taking a bite this isn't the best, I'd prefer a fresh mouse just about now but the housefolks lock the doors during the day, I thought forcing myself to continue eating, my pelt against Luna's. A few minutes after I finish eating Lily comes home and picks up the feather toy from where it sat in the foyer, we played for a while and I wound up ripping off a feather and padding proudly around the house with it. That is, until the young housefolk, Evan I think his name was, came home smelling terrible. He then chased me behind the T.V. my feather still in my mouth; I then fell asleep waking late at night to Luna shaking me.

"Smoka, they've all gone to bed, it's time to go to bed," Luna meowed shaking her again.

"Ok ok I'm up, let's go" Smoka meowed leaping to her paws and bounding over to the door, skillfully opening it.

Only wrote this because I was bored, but here's chapter 3 early hope you enjoy, don't forget to save it to your library if you enjoyed

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