Chapter 5: What just happened?

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Reader P.O.V
Kawaii~Chan isnt letting go. "Hey Kawaii~Chan, its just a cut. Don't worry about it." She sat me down, and just looked at me. Then, after a while, she said something. "F/N~Senpai, k-k..." she started to shake. "What is it kawaii~chan?" I held her hand seeing if she would stop, she didn't. "K-kawaii~chan loves you..." She kissed me, I kissed her back. She pulled away slowly. She blushed hard. "K-Kawaii~Chan is sorry..."
Quick talk time!
F/N: Its ok, really, it is
KC: *blushes harder and shakes*
F/N: *Holds her hand*
KC: F/N~senpai, Kawaii~Chan really likes you, alot.
F/N: Heh, its funny cause I like you too.
KC: *Kisses him*
F/N: *Kisses back*
*Aph and Katelyn come in to check on KC and F/N*
*Sees them kissing*
*Katelyn leaves of being shocked*
Aph: Uuuuhhhh
KC: *slowly stops kissing him*
KC: A-aphmau~senpai?!?!?!
F/N: Hey...
*Katelyn runs back about to slap him*
*F/N catches the slap*
F/N: You should stop that, it gets annoying after a while.
Kate: You little piece of crap!
Kate: *kickes him in the gut*
F/N: *coughs*
KC: F/N~Senpai!!!
Aph: Katelyn!
Katelyn:*Grabs F/N and throws him down the stairs*
Aph: *Holds Katelyn back*
KC: *In shock*
*A guy with a red hoodie and black hair comes and picks up F/N*
???: You alright, im surpised you didn't pass out.
F/N: Ive dealt with stuff like this before
???: The names Aaron
F/N: My names F/N
*Aaron puts F/N on the couch*
F/N: Gah!!! My arm!!!
Aaron: We need to take you to a hospital
F/N: Ok, just hurry! The dang thing hurts!
KC: Kawaii~is coming!
Aph: Me to!
*Aph forgets about Katelyn and lets her go*
*Katelyn pushes Aaron aside and startes to beat up F/N*
*F/N gets a flashback*
*F/N catches her punch*
F/N: I said stop, it's really annoying!
Kate: Why, how did you, doesn't matter!
*Katelyn kisses F/N*
*F/N pushes away*
*Katelyn runs to her room*
*Aaron helps F/N up*
*They go outside and F/N spits out blood*
*Aaron puts F/N in the back seat*
*Kawaii~Chan goes in the back with him*
*Aph goes in the front with Aaron*
KC: *Snuggles with F/N*
F/N: Hey, not to be mean or anything but wh-
*Kawaii~Chan does a quick make out session with F/N*
KC: *wispers* Sshh, dont stress Aaron~Kun more than he is.
F/N: *wispers back* Then why did you makeout with me?
KC: *whispers* To shut F/N~senpai up.
Aph: What were you saying?
F/N: Oohh, nothinng!
Aph: Ok?


Thought this would be a great place to end this chapter off. Sorry the quick talk thing was so long, it was so easy to right interesting, juicy, drama filled stuff like that. So, im writing this at 2:03 in the morning. Well hope you enjoyed this and have a lovely day.

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